生理活性脂質 : プロスタグランディンから肺サーファクタントへ
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Lipids are playing at least 4 essential roles in the living systems. It is a major component of cellular membrane, highly efficient source of energy, modifying molecules of proteins (lipid modification) and bioactive compounds. Because of the difficulty in handling and insolubility in water, the research of lipids has been relatively slow in the field of molecular biology and cellular biology. We have studied for more than two decades on the roles of eicosanoids (bioactive lipids derived from carbon 20 polyunsaturated fatty acids); its biosynthesis and receptor/signal transduction by the use of cellular biology and knockout mouse studies. Recently, during the search of glycerophospholipid biosynthesis, we have discovered an enzyme involved in the surfactant production in the lung. Herein summarized are recent progresses of studies on lipid mediators, from prostaglandins to pulmonary surfactant lipids.
- 2009-06-01
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