Development of a New Method for Estimating Visceral Fat Area with Multi-Frequency Bioelectrical Impedance
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2008-02-01
森 豊
森 豊
Department Of Internal Medicine National Higashi-utsunomiya Hospital
森 豊
笠原 靖弘
森 豊
Department Of Internal Medicine National Higashi Utsunomiya Hospital
小宮 秀明
小宮 秀明
小宮 秀明
Exercise Physiology Faculty Of Education Utsunomiya University
小宮 秀明
Faculty Of Education
小宮 秀明
Mori Yutaka
Department Of Internal Medicine National Hospital Organization Utsunomiya National Hospital
Kasahara Yasuhiro
Tanita Body Weight Scientific Institute
Nagai Masato
Department Of Exercise Physiology Utsunomiya University
Komiya Hideaki
Department Of Exercise Physiology Utsunomiya University
OHTA Teruo
Department of Internal Medicine, Sirasawa Hospital
TANITA Body Weight Scientific Institute
Mori Yutaka
Department Of Chemistry
Ohta Teruo
Department Of Internal Medicine Sirasawa Hospital
Mori Yutaka
Department Of Applied Chemistry Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka City University
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