The retention indices of ^<201>Tl-SPECT in brain tumors
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2002-10-01
Hieda Masashi
Hieda Masashi
Hieda Masashi
Department Of Radiology Hiroshima University Hospital
Yamashita K
Department Of Astrophysics Nagoya University
Department of Radiology, University Hospital of Tokushima
Otsuka H
Department Of Earth And Environmental Sciences Faculty Of Science Kagoshima University
Shinbata Hiroyuki
Department of Radiology, Ehime Central Prefectural Hospital
Department of Radiology, Ehime Central Prefectural Hospital
Department of Radiology, Ehime Central Prefectural Hospital
SENBA Takatoshi
Department of Radiology, Ehime Central Prefectural Hospital
Department of Radiology, Ehime Central Prefectural Hospital
Department of Radiology, Ehime Central Prefectural Hospital
Yamashita Kyo
Department Of Radiology Ehime Central Prefectural Hospital
Kitamura Hiroki
Department Of Radiology Ehime Central Prefectural Hospital
Senba Takatoshi
Department Of Radiology Ehime Central Prefectural Hospital
Tagashira Hiroshi
Department Of Radiology Ehime Central Prefectural Hospital
Otsuka H
Univ. Iowa Usa
Otsuka Hideki
Department Of Radiology Ehime Prefectural Central Hospital
Kitamura H
Deparment Of Pathology Yokohama Minami Kyosai Hospital
Kashihara Kenichi
Department Of Radiology Ehime Central Prefectural Hospital
Kashihara Kenichi
Department Of Neurology Okayama University Medical School
Hieda Masashi
Department Of Radiology Division Of Medical Intelligence And Informatics Programs For Applied Biomed
Kashihara K
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Wakayama National College of Technology
Shinbata H
Department of Radiology, Ehime Central Prefectural Hospital
Hieda M
Department of Radiology, Ehime Central Prefectural Hospital
Senba T
Department of Radiology, Ehime Central Prefectural Hospital
Tagashira H
Department of Radiology, Ehime Central Prefectural Hospital
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- Preface
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