個体毒性の検証に基づく in vitro 簡易毒性評価系の確立
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For In Vitro bioassay system to evaluate water environment, it may be important to correlate In Vitro data closely to whole body toxicity. In order to establish the evaluation system for In Vitro bioassay, we focused on oxidative stress and investigated toxicities of organic halogenated compound using both In Vitro micronucleus test and in vivo hepatic injuries test.Micronuclei formation of HeLa cells was induced by chlorophenols and the induction was enhanced with addition of S9mix. The enhancement was inhibited by scavengers of hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radical or superoxide radical, indicating that micronuclei formation of HeLa cells was induced by oxidative stress which was caused with metabolites of chlorophenols.Oral treatment of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol or carbon tetrachloride increased the amount of serum GOT. in vivo free radical reactions which were estimated with in vivo ESR technique were also enhanced specifically in upper abdomen, indicating that metabolites of these compounds caused liver injuries through oxidative stress.The present study demonstrated the evaluation system of In Vitro and in vivo bioassays concerning oxidative stress caused with organic halogens. In Vitro bioassay system will be more valuable and reliable, comparing In Vitro data with in vivo one using indices of same mechanism of toxicity.
- 社団法人 日本水環境学会の論文
- 1997-11-10
内海 英雄
内海 英雄
内海 英雄
市川 和洋
市川 和洋
九州大学薬学部 薬品物理化学教室
鄭 然孫
九州大学薬学部 薬品物理化学教室
市川 和洋
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