Fatigue Characteristics and Fatigue Life Prediction of Glass Ceramics with Multiple Surface Cracks in a Water Environment
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 日本材料強度学会の論文
- 2007-03-30
Tsujino Ryoji
Dep. Of Mechanical Engineering Fac. Of Engineering Setsunan Univ.
Tsujino Ryoji
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Setsunan University
Tsujino Ryoji
Faculty Of Engineering Setsunan University
Faculty of Engineering, Osaka Sangyo University
Faculty of Engineering, Osaka Sangyo University
OGAWA Koichi
Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University
Yoshikawa Akira
Faculty Of Engineering Osaka Sangyo University
Hiratsuka Akira
Faculty Of Engineering Osaka Sangyo University
Ogawa Koichi
Faculty Of Liberal Arts And Sciences Osaka Prefecture University
Hiratsuka Akira
Faculty Of Eng. Osaka Sangyo Univ.
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- Prediction of the period of swirl motion appearing in gas injection processes at high temperatures (環境特集号(その1))
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- Prediction of the Period of Swirl Motion Appearing in Gas Injection Processes at High Temperatures
- Mixing Time in a Cylindrical Bath Agitated by Gas Injection through a Multi-hole Nozzle
- Model study of the effect of slag layer on the swirl motion of molten steel jet (環境特集号(その1))