Fatigue Strength of Friction-Welded 6061 Aluminum Alloy Joints
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Japan Institute of Metalsの論文
- 2007-11-01
OGAWA Koichi
Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University
Faculty of Engineering Department, Setsunan University
Ochi Hiizu
Incubation Laboratory Osaka Institute Of Technology
Faculty of Science, Nara women's University
Yamamoto Yoshiaki
Faculty Of Engineering Setsunan University
Yamamoto Y
Osaka Univ. Osaka
SAWAI Takeshi
Faculty of Engineering, Osaka Sangyo University
Sawai Takeshi
Faculty Of Engineering Osaka Sangyo University
Ogawa K
Faculty Of Liberal Arts And Sciences Osaka Prefecture University
Ogawa Koichi
Faculty Of Liberal Arts And Sciences Osaka Prefecture University
Yamaguchi H
Faculty Of Liberal Arts And Sciences Osaka Prefecture University
Yamaguchi Hiroshi
Faculty Of Engineering Doshisha University
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