- 論文の詳細を見る
In this study, we determined the dissolved ion concentrations of surface water and groundwater in areas of salinated land in northeastern Thailand to evaluate irrigational water resources. The concentrations of nutrient and heavy metals were measured at 35 points in July 2006 to investigate their changes in distribution. Seasonal variations were measured at 10 points between July 2006 and July 2007. In area A, which is a hilly groundwater recharging area, the ion concentrations in both ponds and wells were sufficiently low, making water in this area good for irrigation water. In area B, which is a medium-hilly residential area, the ion concentrations in a few wells were high and fluctuated seasonally, so care is required if water in this area is to be used for irrigation. In area C, which is a marshy area with groundwater discharge, the chloride concentrations were so high that the use of water in this area is limited to paddy rice cultivation. Further research on the analysis of changes in the aquatic environment is required, since the number of livestock shows an increasing trend and the lifestyle of people living around the studied areas is changing drastically.
- 2007-11-10
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