Ischemic "memory image" in acute myocardial infarction of ^<123>I-BMIPP after reperfusion therapy : A comparison with ^<99m>Tc-pyrophosphate and ^<201>Tl dual-isotope SPECT
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2002-12-01
Mochizuki T
Department Of Radiology Ehime University School Of Medicine Shitsukawa
Higashino Hiroshi
Department of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Radiology, Ehime University Graduate School of Medicine
Mochizuki Teruhito
Department Of Radiology Ehime University School Of Medicine Shitsukawa
SUGAWARA Yoshifumi
Department of Radiology, Ehime University School of Medicine
Department of Radiology, Ehime University School of Medicine
Department of Medical Engineering, Division of Allied Health Sciences, Osaka University Medical Scho
KIKUCHI Takanori
Department of Radiology, Ehime University School of Medicine
Department of Radiology, Ehime National Hospital
Miyagawa Masao
国立病院機構四国がんセンター 放射線科
Higashino H
Department Of Cardiology National Hospital Organization Ehime Hospital
Miyagawa Masao
Department Of Cardiology Matsuyama Red Cross Hospital
Murase K
Department Of Medical Engineering Division Of Allied Health Sciences Osaka University Medical School
Murase Kenya
Department Of Medical Engineering Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Ikezoe Junpei
Department Of Radiology Ehime University Medical Sxhool
Ikezoe Junpei
Department Of Radiology Ehime University Shcool Of Medicine
Higashino Hiroshi
Department Of Radiology Ehiime Irnabari Hospital
Mochizuki Teruhito
Department Of Cardiology Matsuyama Red Cross Hospital
Higashino Hiroshi
Department Of Cardiology National Hospital Organization Ehime Hospital
Sugawara Yoshifumi
Department Of Radiology Ehime University School Of Medicine
Murase Kenya
Department Of Medical Engineering Division Of Allied Health Sciences Osaka University Medical School
Kikuchi Takanori
Department Of Materials Science Toyohashi University Of Technology
Murase Kenya
Department Of Allied Health Sciences Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Sugawara Yoshifumi
Department Of Diagnostic And Therapeutic Radiology Ehime University Graduate School Of Medicine
Hashida Hidetoshi
The Department Of Cardiology Ehime National Hospital
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