ウクライナ国民の微量元素、Cu, Fe, Mn, Znの摂取量推定
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2006-07-01
幸 進
放射線医学総合研究所 緊急被ぼく医療研究センター
白石 久二雄
Department Of Radiation Dosimetry National Institute Of Radiological Sciences (nirs)
白石 久二雄
白石 久二雄
放射線医学総合研究所 線量評価研究部 微量分析研究室
Department of Pathology
幸 進
放射線医学総合研究所 線量評価研究部 微量分析研究室
ロス イワン
新江 秀樹
放射線医学総合研究所 線量評価研究部 微量分析研究室
阿山 香子
放射線医学総合研究所 線量評価研究部 微量分析研究室
ザモスチアン パブロ
シガンコーフ ニコライ
コルズン ヴィタリー
- Uranium Concentration in Typical Pakistani Diet
- Dietary intakes of alkaline metals, alkaline earths and phosphorus in Ukrainians
- ウズベキスタン共和国のウラン汚染
- 旧ソ連核実験場における植物中の^Cs放射能の測定
- 食品・飲料水の放射能 (特集 放射線被曝のアセスメント)
- Increased Frequencies of Gene and Chromosome Mutations after X-Irradiation in Mouse Embryonal Carcinoma Cells Transfected with the bcl-2 Gene
- The Effect of Caffeine on p53-Dependent Radioresponses in Undifferentiated Mouse Embryonal Carcinoma Cells after X-ray and UV-irradiations
- Radiosensitivity of undifferentiated mouse teratocarcinoma cells.
- Monitoring of Environmental Radioactivity by Imaging Plate
- Survey of external dose around JCO facility using sugars and ESR method
- Concentrations of Radionuclides in Plant Samples Collected Around the Uranium Conversion Facility Following the Tokai-mura Criticality Accident.
- Levels of β-ray Emitters in Plant Samples Collected around the Uranium Conversion Facility after the Criticality Accident in Tokai-mura
- Dietary Intakes of Bismuth, Cadmium, Cobalt, Chromium, Lead and Thallium for Ukrainians
- Dietary Intakes of Copper, Iron, Manganese, and Zinc for Ukrainians
- Dietary intakes of Sr, Cs, ^Th and ^U in north Ukraine, polluted by the Chernobyl accident
- Dietary mineral intakes for Ukrainian subjects living areas contaminated by the Chernobyl accident
- Daily intake of major and trace elements in residents of Gomel oblast, Belarus
- Dietary intake of bromine for Ukrainian subjects
- 微量元素と食物 (特集:微量元素と栄養)
- Behaviour of Rare Earth Elements (REEs), U and Th in Soil Samples of Bryansk region contaminated due to Chemobyl Accident
- Contribution of Eighteen Food Groups to Dietary Cesium intakes in Japanese
- Dietary Intakes of Radioactive and Non-radioactive Nuclides in Ukrainian Adult Males
- Evaluation of the Reliability of Chromosomal Imbalances Detected by Combined Use of Universal DNA Amplification and Comparative Genomic Hybridization
- S-2-5 Genomic instability in F1 mice born to irradiated spermatozoa and p53 dependent genomic cross-talk(Radiation Induced Genetical Instability : What Is the Mechanism That a Cell Memorizes Being Irradiated?, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the J
- Daily Intake of Elements as Estimated from Analysis of Total Diet Samples in Relation to Reference Japanese Man
- ウクライナ国民の微量元素、Cu, Fe, Mn, Znの摂取量推定
- IV.国際研究協力を考える IV-1 環境汚染
- Accurate determination of uranium isotope ratios in soil samples affected due to Chernobyl accident usingthermal ionisation mass spectrometry
- Dose Estimation by ESR on Tooth Enamel from Two Workers Exposed to Radiation due to the JCO accident
- Dose estimation of worker's teeth enamel exposed due to the JCO accident by using ESR method
- 誘導結合プラズマ発光分光分析法による日常食中の15無機元素量
- Detection of 236U and variation of uranium isotope composition in the soil samples affected by the JCO criticality accident
- Iodine in take for Ukrainian in contaminated areas due to the Chernobyl accident.
- Radloactivities in imported foods. Part 1. Concentrations of ^Th and ^U in mineral water
- 微量元素と食物
- Undifferentiated Carcinoma of the Common Bile Duct with Intraductal Tumor Thrombi : Report of a Case
- The frequency of homologous recombination in NEJ-suppressed mouse