S-2-5 Genomic instability in F1 mice born to irradiated spermatozoa and p53 dependent genomic cross-talk(Radiation Induced Genetical Instability : What Is the Mechanism That a Cell Memorizes Being Irradiated?, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the J
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 日本放射線影響学会の論文
- 2003-12-15
Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo
Kimura Shinzo
Environ. Radiat. Protect. Group Nirs
Shimura Tsutomu
Kyoto University Radiation Biology Center
Shimura Tsutomu
Niwa Ohtsura
Kyoto Univ. Radiation Biology Center
Inoue Masao
Medical Research Institute Kanazawa Medical University
Shimura Tsutomu
Radiation Biology Center Kyoto Univ.
Niwa O
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto
白石 久二雄
Department Of Radiation Dosimetry National Institute Of Radiological Sciences (nirs)
Department of Pathology
Kyoto University Radiation Biology Center
Kyoto University Radiation Biology Center
Research Insititure for Advanced Science and Technology Oosaka Prefectural University
Niwa O
Research Institute For Nuclear Medicine And Biology Hiroshima University
Niwa Ohtsura
Res. Inst. Radiat. Biol. Med. Hiroshima Univ.
Niwa Ohtsura
Kyoto Univ.
Adiga Satish
Kyoto University Radiation Biology Center
Inoue Masao
Medical Research Institute Kanazawa Med. Univ.
Niwa Ohtsura
Res. Inst. Nuc. Ned. Biol. Hiroshima Univ.
Shimura Tsutomu
Radiat. Biol. Center. Kyoto. Univ.
- Structural Design of Nonlinear optical Chromophores for High-Performance Photorefractive Polymers
- Differential Absorption in InGaN Multiple Quantum Wells and Epilayers Induced by Blue-Violet Laser Diode
- Uranium Concentration in Typical Pakistani Diet
- Dietary intakes of alkaline metals, alkaline earths and phosphorus in Ukrainians
- The Modified High-Density Survival Assay is the Useful Tool to Predict the Effectiveness of Fractionated Radiation Exposure
- Analysis of DNA synthesis in one cell stage mouse embryos fertilized with irradiated sperm.
- Generation of Phase-Conjugate Wave in a Photorefractive GaP at 633 nm
- Two Beam Coupling in Semi-Insulating GaN Film Using Electroabsorption Effect
- Temperature Dependence of Photorefractive Properties of PVK-based Composites
- High-speed TPD-based Photorefractive Polymer Composites
- Characterization of Proton-Irradiated InGaAs/GaAs Multiple Quantum Well Structures by Nonresonant Transient Four-Wave Mixing Technique
- Increased Frequencies of Gene and Chromosome Mutations after X-Irradiation in Mouse Embryonal Carcinoma Cells Transfected with the bcl-2 Gene
- The Effect of Caffeine on p53-Dependent Radioresponses in Undifferentiated Mouse Embryonal Carcinoma Cells after X-ray and UV-irradiations
- Radiosensitivity of undifferentiated mouse teratocarcinoma cells.
- The Examination of the Exclusion Mechanism of Apoptosis against the Cells with Unrepairable DNA Damage Using Undifferentiated Mouse Terarocarcinoma Cells
- Monitoring of Environmental Radioactivity by Imaging Plate
- Survey of external dose around JCO facility using sugars and ESR method
- Concentrations of Radionuclides in Plant Samples Collected Around the Uranium Conversion Facility Following the Tokai-mura Criticality Accident.
- Levels of β-ray Emitters in Plant Samples Collected around the Uranium Conversion Facility after the Criticality Accident in Tokai-mura
- Dietary Intakes of Bismuth, Cadmium, Cobalt, Chromium, Lead and Thallium for Ukrainians
- Dietary Intakes of Copper, Iron, Manganese, and Zinc for Ukrainians
- Dietary intakes of Sr, Cs, ^Th and ^U in north Ukraine, polluted by the Chernobyl accident
- Dietary mineral intakes for Ukrainian subjects living areas contaminated by the Chernobyl accident
- Daily intake of major and trace elements in residents of Gomel oblast, Belarus
- Dietary intake of bromine for Ukrainian subjects
- 微量元素と食物 (特集:微量元素と栄養)
- Behaviour of Rare Earth Elements (REEs), U and Th in Soil Samples of Bryansk region contaminated due to Chemobyl Accident
- Contribution of Eighteen Food Groups to Dietary Cesium intakes in Japanese
- Dietary Intakes of Radioactive and Non-radioactive Nuclides in Ukrainian Adult Males
- Evaluation of the Reliability of Chromosomal Imbalances Detected by Combined Use of Universal DNA Amplification and Comparative Genomic Hybridization
- Over-expressed ZF5 Gene Product, a c-myc-binding Protein Related to GL1-Kruppel Protein, Has a Growth-suppressive Activity in Mouse Cell Lines
- Transgemeration Carcinogenesis in the Progeny of Irradiated Male Mice
- Inhibition of Growth and Metastasis of Ovarian Carcinoma by Administering a Drug Capable of Interfering with Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Activity
- Mathematical Implication for Radiation Carcinogenesis based on Hypothesis of Induction of Genetic Instability
- 256 X-irradiation to Spermatozoa Executes Delayed Apoptosis, Genomic Instability and Altered Development at Peri-Implantation Stage Mouse Embryos(Apoptosis related, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- 150 Domain analysis of p53 in S checkpoint of mouse zygotes(Signal transduction, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- S-2-5 Genomic instability in F1 mice born to irradiated spermatozoa and p53 dependent genomic cross-talk(Radiation Induced Genetical Instability : What Is the Mechanism That a Cell Memorizes Being Irradiated?, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the J
- Delayed apoptosis in mouse embryos fertilized by X-irradiated spermatozoa
- The S-phase checkpoint in mouse zygote fertilized with irradiated sperm
- Protective function of p53 in embryogenesis of sperm-irradiated zygotes
- Suppression of DNA synthesis of maternal pronuclei in one cell stage mouse embryos fertilized with irradiated sperm.
- Induction of a Germline Mutation at a Hypervariable Mouse Minisatellite Locus by ^Cf Radiation
- Germline Mutation of a Hypervariable Mouse Minisatellite Locus Induced by Ionizing Radiation
- Clinically relevant radioresistant cells efficiently repair DNA double-strand breaks induced by X-rays
- Analysis of Radialton-Induced Mammary Carcinogenesis : age-dependent development of mammary carcinoma in rats
- Suppression of DNA synthesis of maternal pronuclei in one cell stage mouse embiyos fertilized with irradiated sperm.
- Analysis of Radjaiton-Induced Mammary Carcinogenesis : Susceptibility of rat mammary glands in different ages
- Analysis of Mierosatellite Loci and Genetic Changes in ^cf and DEN Induced Hepatic Tumors
- Mammary tumor induction by ^Co gamma rays in genetically resistant COPENHAGEN rats
- A Defect in Cell-to-cell Adhesion via Integrin-Fibronectin Interactions in a Highly Metastatic Tumor Cell Line
- Inactivation of NF-κB Mediates p53-dependent Apoptosis in X-irradiated Mouse Lymphoma Cells and Thymocytes
- ウクライナ国民の微量元素、Cu, Fe, Mn, Znの摂取量推定
- Analysis of genetic instability in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- The D4Mit12 locus on mouse chromosome 4 provides susceptibility to both γ-ray-induced and N-methyl-N nitrosourea-induced thymic lymphomas
- Modifier locus of p53 deficient mouse to radiation induced thymic Lymphoma
- Radiation Induction of Gemline Mutation at a Hypervariable Mouse Minisatellite Locus
- Accurate determination of uranium isotope ratios in soil samples affected due to Chernobyl accident usingthermal ionisation mass spectrometry
- Dose Estimation by ESR on Tooth Enamel from Two Workers Exposed to Radiation due to the JCO accident
- Dose estimation of worker's teeth enamel exposed due to the JCO accident by using ESR method
- Bioassay of gamma-ray irradiation using a DNA microarray
- Detection of 236U and variation of uranium isotope composition in the soil samples affected by the JCO criticality accident
- Iodine in take for Ukrainian in contaminated areas due to the Chernobyl accident.
- Radloactivities in imported foods. Part 1. Concentrations of ^Th and ^U in mineral water
- Analysis of the c-myc, K-ras and p53 Genes in Methylcholanthrene-induced Mouse Sarcomas
- p53 Gene Mutation and Loss of Heterozygosity of Chromosome 11 in Methylcholanthrene-induced Mouse Sarcomas
- Radiation Induced Dynamic Mutations and Transgenerational Effects
- Undifferentiated Carcinoma of the Common Bile Duct with Intraductal Tumor Thrombi : Report of a Case
- The frequency of homologous recombination in NEJ-suppressed mouse
- Analysis of genetic instability in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- ndirect Role Model of Radiation Carcinogenesis
- Theory of Polarization Holography
- Interaction between Maternally and Paternally Derived Genomes and Induction of Genetic Instability in Mice
- DNA repair In mouse germ cells.