Evaluation of vascular supply with cone-beam computed tomography during intraarterial chemotherapy for a skull base tumor
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2006-06-25
Department of Physiology, Kurume University School of Medicine
中尾 宣夫
中尾 宣夫
石藏 礼一
明和病院 放射線科
石藏 礼一
中尾 宣夫
兵庫医科大学 放射線科
ANDO Kumiko
Department of Radiology, Hyogo College of Medicine
Department of Radiology, Hyogo College of Medicine
Department of Radiology, Hyogo College of Medicine
Nakao Norio
Department Of Radiology Hyogo College Of Medicine
石藏 礼一
Ishikura Reiichi
Department Of Radiology Hyogo College Of Medicine
Ando Kumiko
Department Of Radiology Hyogo College Of Medicine
Department of Radiology, Hyogo College of Medicine
Department of Radiology, Hyogo College of Medicine
Department of Radiology, Hyogo College of Medicine
Department of Radiology, Hyogo College of Medicine
YAMANO Tosyiko
Department of Radiology, Hyogo College of Medicine
安藤 久美子
安藤 久美子
Department Of Radiology Hyogo College Of Medicine
Hirota Shozo
Department Of Radiology Hyogo College Of Medicine
Yamano Tosyiko
Department Of Radiology Hyogo College Of Medicine
Miura Koui
Department Of Radiology Hyogo College Of Medicine
Pande Ajaya
Department Of Radiology Hyogo College Of Medicine
Yamamoto Satoshi
Department Of Cardiovascular And Respiratory Medicine Shiga University Of Medical Science
Yamamoto Satoshi
Department Of Radiology Hyogo College Of Medicine
Yamamoto Satoshi
Department Of Biochemistry Nagoya University School Of Medicine
Nagami Yuki
Department Of Radiology Hyogo College Of Medicine
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