クエン酸の土壌添加による植物のウラン吸収量の増進 : キレート剤適用のファイトレメディエーションによるウラン汚染土壌の改良
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Chelate-enhanced phytoextraction, which relies on the application of chelating agents to soils to increase the phytoavailability of the target metal, has been considered a practical method for the remediation of metal-contaminated soil. Effectiveness of citric acid (0 and 20 mmol kg-1) as a soil amendment on uranium (U) phytoextraction by different plant species from different soils was evaluated. Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.), kochia (Kochia scoparia L.) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) were grown in 9 cm diameter pots containing U contaminated soil: a calcareous sandy loam from New Mexico (ARID soil: 137 mg U kg-1), and a loam from Maryland (HUMID soil: 542 mg U kg-1). Citric acid amendment enhanced U uptake by plants grown in the HUMID soil, but did not dramatically enhance plant U-uptake in ARID soil as compared to the HUMID soil. Indian mustard treated with 20 mmol kg-1 citric acid accumulated 25 and 2,476 mg U kg-1 from the ARID and HUMID soils, respectively. The relative ineffectiveness of citric acid on U uptake in the ARID soil was probably associated with the abundance of CaCO3 that may prevent the formation of bioavailable U-citrate and uranyl ion species. Citric acid amended in the HUMID soil severely reduced the biomass of Indian mustard to 47% of control, resulting in the decrease of total U-removal. Kochia and sunflower had a lower U concentration than Indian mustard but had the higher biomass production, resulting in 3.1 and 2.0 mg U-removal from the HUMID soil amended with citric acid, which was not different from Indian mustard.
- 2006-03-23
橋本 洋平
橋本 洋平
Department of Soil Science, North Carolina State University
Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University
橋本 洋平
Department Of Soil Science North Carolina State University
Blaylock Michael
Edenspace Systems Corporations
Ulery April
Department Of Plant And Environmental Sciences New Mexico State University
Edenspace Systems Corporations
橋本 洋平
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