Optical Interpolation of Volume Data Using Pseudo Color and an Electro-Optical-Hybrid-System
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1997-08-01
OBI Takashi
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Yamaguchi M
Imaging Science And Engineering Laboratory Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Imaging Science & Engineering Laboratory
OHYAMA Nagaaki
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Frontier Collaborative Research Center
Ohyama N
Tokyo Inst. Technol. Kanagawa Jpn
Ohyama Nagaaki
Image Science And Engineering Laboratory Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Yamaguchi Masahiro
Imaging Science And Engineering Laboratory Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Ohyama N
Tokyo Ins. Tech. Yokohama Jpn
Baez-rojas Jose
Instituto Nacional De Astrofisica Optica Y Electronica
Yamaguchi Masahiro
Tokyo Institute Of Technology Imaging Science & Engineering Laboratory
Ohyama Nagaaki
Tokyo Institute Of Technology Frontier Collaborative Research Center
OHYAMA Nagaaki
Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Intra-node Update in Parallel Implementation of 3D Iterative Reconstruction
- An Inter-crystal Scatter Correction Method for DOI PET Image Reconstruction
- Digital Staining of Unstained Pathological Tissue Samples through Spectral Transmittance Classification
- Quality Improvement of the Reconstruction Image on a PET System with Irregular Sensitivity Caused by Geometrical Arrangement(International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia 2009 (IFMIA 2009))
- A Study of Dynamic PET Reconstruction Using the Position-Dependent Basis Functions : The format of Technical Report(International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia 2009 (IFMIA 2009))
- Multispectral Image Compression for Improvement of Colorimetric and Spectral Reproducibility by Nonlinear Spectral Transform
- Design and initial evaluation of a 4-layer DOI-PET system : the jPET-D4
- Color Enhancement in Multispectral Image Using the Karhunen-Loeve Transform
- Comparative Evaluation of Spectral Transforms for Multispectral Image Coding in Terms of Color Degradation
- Monte Carlo Simulations of Reflected Spectra Derived from Tissue Phantom with Double-Peak Particle Size Distribution
- Endoscopic Observation of Tissue by Narrowband Illumination
- Analysis of Spectral Reflectance Using Normalization Method from Endoscopic Spectroscopy System
- Fast Determination Method of Cerebral Metabolic Rate Images of Glucose Using Dynamic PET Data
- High-Fidelity Image Reproduction Using Angular Distribution of Reflected Spectral Intensity
- Color Conversion Method for Multiprimary Display Using Matrix Switching
- Unsupervised Image Segmentation Using Hierarchical Clustering
- An Acceleration Algorithm for Image Reconstruction Based on Continuous-Discrete Mapping Model
- Long-Term Interval Change Detection from a Sequence of Personal Images
- Evaluation of a Fast Algebraic Reconstruction from Subsets of PET Data
- Fast Estimation of Scatter Components Using the Ordered Subset Expectation Maximization Algorithm for Scatter Compensation
- Detection of Interval Changes from a Pair of Images : A Proposal of Pattern Histogram
- Opto-Electronic Block-Cipher Based on Iteration of the 2-D Toggle Cellular Automata : Algorithm
- Correction of Nonuniform Response in the Reconstruction for Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography with a Spatially Varying Focal Length Collimator
- Correction for Shift-variant Characteristics of Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography Acquisition System Using Sensitivity Functions
- Two-Dimensional Cellular Automata for Pseudo-Random Pattern Generators and for Highly Secure Stream Ciphers
- Time Series Analysis of Personal Chest Radiographs for Detection of Long-term Interval Changes
- Detection of Small Opacities from Temporal Image Sequences using Multi-dimensional Clustering
- Multispectral Image Retrieval Using a Distance Based on Vector Quantization
- Micro-CT of Pseudocneorhinus bifasciatus by projection X-ray microscopy
- Color Correction of Pathological Images Based on Dye Amount Quantification
- Hierarchical Clustering Method for Extraction of Knowledge from a Large Amount of Data
- A Stereographic Display Using a Reflection Holographic Screen
- Topographic Measurement of Internal Surfaces Using a Sequence of Stereo Charge-Coupled Device Endoscopic Images:(1)Method
- Shape Measurement from Endoscopic Images : Determination of Dimensional Scale Factor by a Photometric Method
- Reconstruction of the Gastric Surface Structure Using a Monocular CCD Endoscope
- Modeling Scatter in Multiple Energy Windows to Incorporate Scattered Radiation Information in Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography Imaging
- Optical Interpolation of Volume Data Using Pseudo Color and an Electro-Optical-Hybrid-System
- Analysis of Digital Lateral Shearing Interferometer
- Measurement of Shear in a Lateral Shearing Interferometer
- Estimation of Electrical Source Localization Using the Temporal Correlation between Magnetic Field Measurements
- Zone Plate Common Path Interferometer for Testing Aspherical Mirror with Large Aperture
- Optical Configurations for Solving Equations Using Nonlinear Etalons
- Gravitino Overproduction through Moduli Decay : Particles and Fields
- Integrated Image Associative Memory and Its Optical Implementation
- Microscopic Computed Tomography Based on Generalized Analytic Reconstruction from Discrete Samples
- D-16-5 Multifractal Analysis for HCC Biopsy Images
- Layered Scalable Coding of Multispectral Images Based on Visible Component Separation
- Fidelity Evaluation of Metallic Luster in Six-Band High-Dynamic-Range Imaging
- A Proposal of Spatio-Temporal Reconstruction Method Based on a Fast Block-Iterative Algorithm