Study of High-Field Magnetic Phases of the Low-Carrier-System CeP by Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Diffraction(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
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The magnetic structures of the low-carrier-system CeP are investigated under magnetic fields up to 12.5T with the field H‖[110] and up to 14T with H‖[001] by synchrotron X-ray diffraction utilizing the unique relationship between the magnetic structure and lattice modulation in this system. The magnetic phases corresponding to the modulation wave vectors k=2/11, 2/10, 2/9 and 2/8 are observed at low temperatures. The magnetic phases with k=2/8 (↑↑○○○○○○ or ↑↑←→←→←→). k=2/9 (↑↑○○○○○○○ or ↑↑←→←→←→←) and k=2/11 (↑↑○○○○○○○○○) are the new phases under magnetic fields found in the present work. The result demonstrates that magnetic fields play a role similar to high pressure to realize the unique magnetic structure and its multistep change in CeP. This fact indicates the importance of the magnetic polaron effect mediated by the p-f mixing effect in the system.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 2005-08-15
Yasuo Narumi
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
Narumi Yasuo
The Institute For Solid State Physics The University Of Tokyo
勝又 紘一
勝又 紘一
Riken Spring-8 Center Harima Institute
KYOKUGEN, Osaka University
RIKEN SPring-8 Center, Harima Institute
TABATA Yoshikazu
Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University
TANAKA Yoshikazu
Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University
KOHGI Masahumi
Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Kindo Koichi
Research Center For Materials Science At Extreme Conditions Osaka University
Mamiya K
Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
Kindo K
Kyokugen Osaka University
Narumi Yasuo
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
Takayama Y.
Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
Kohgi Masahumi
Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
Kohgi Masahumi
Department Of Physice Tokyo Metropoliton Univesity
Kuwahara Keitaro
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
Hannan Abdul
Department Of Physics Shahjalal University Of Science And Technology:department Of Physics Tokyo Met
Narumi Yasuo
Kyokugen Osaka University
Kawashima Miho
Synchrotron Radiation Research Center Japan Atomic Energy Agency:(present Office)ulvac-phi Inc.
Katsumata K
Riken Harima Institute
Katsumata Koichi
Riken Spring-8 Center Harima Institute
Tabata Y
Riken Spring-8 Center Harima Institute
Tabata Yoshikazu
Graduate School Of Science Osaka University
Kawana Daichi
Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
Shimomura Susumu
Department Of Physics Kwansei-gakuin University
Koga K
Department Of Superconductivity University Of Tokyo
Kuwahara Keitaro
Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
Magishi Koichi
Faculty Of Integrated Arts And Sciences The University Of Tokushima
- Synthesis, Structural and Magnetic Properties of the Solid Solution (CuCl_Br_x)LaNb_2O_7 (0≦x≦1)
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- 18aPS-121 擬二次元三角格子反強磁性体RbFe(MoO_4)_2の強磁場物性(18aPS 領域3ポスターセッション(磁性),領域3(磁性,磁気共鳴))
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- Lattice Deformations Induced by an Applied Magnetic Field in the Frustrated Antiferromagnet HgCr_2O_4(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Magnetization Process in GdB_4(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Restoring Higher Symmetric Crystal Structure with Magnetic Field in Triangular Lattice Antiferromagnet CuFeO_2(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Lattice Distortion in Antiferromagnetic CoO under High Magnetic Fields
- Direct Observation of an Incommensurate Multipolar Order in CeB_6 Doped with Pr(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- 22aPS-78 希土類化合物ErNi_2Ge_2の磁気相図(領域3ポスターセッション,化合物磁性,酸化物磁性,f電子系磁性,スピングラス・ランダム系・アモルファス系,領域3(磁性,磁気共鳴))
- Manipulating the Multipole Moments in CeB_6 by Magnetic Fields(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Study of High-Field Magnetic Phases of the Low-Carrier-System CeP by Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Diffraction(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction Studies of α-Gd_2S_3(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Neutron Diffraction Study of α-Gd_2S_3(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Phase Transition of a Frustrated Magnet α-Gd_2S_3(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction Studies of the Incommensurate Phase of a Spin-Peierls System CuGeO_3 in Strong Magnetic Fields(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- High Field Magnetization Process in a Dodecanuclear Fe(III) Ring Cluster
- Crystal Structure and Magnetic Properties of the Quasi-One-Dimensional Quantum Spin System Cu_2Cl_4・H_8C_4SO_2
- 24aYQ-2 強磁性-反強磁性と反強磁性-反強磁性交替鎖の混晶系(CH_3)_2CHNH_3Cu(Cl_xBr_)_3における磁気相転移
- Magnetization "Steps" on a Kagome Lattice in Volborthite
- Charge and Magnetic Orderings in the Triangular-Lattice Antiferromagnet InFe_2O_4(Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology)
- Singlet Ground State and Spin Gap in S=1/2 Kagome Antiferromagnet Rb_2Cu_3SnF_(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Ferro-Antiferromagnetic Delta-Chain System Studied by High Field Magnetization Measurements(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Magnetization Process of an S = 1/2 Tetramer Chain with Ferromagnetic-Ferromagnetic-Antiferromagnetic-Antiferromagnetic Bond Alternating Interactions
- Electrical and Magnetic Properties of CeAu_2Si_2(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Electrical and Magnetic Properties of R_3Al_ (R=La, Ce, Pr, and Nd)(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Magnetic Properties and Crystalline Electric Field Scheme in RRhIn_5 (R: Rare Earth)(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Magnetic Properties of Single Crystalline RCu_2Si_2 (R: Rare Earth)(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Single Crystal Growth and Magnetic Properties of Antiferromagnet Ce_2Pd_3Si_5(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- High field magnetization and ESR measurements on a spin-crossover complex
- High Field Magnetization and ESR Measurements on a Spin-Crossover Complex (Application of Submillimeter Wave Electron Spin Resonance for Novel Magnetic Systems)
- 31aXG-6 ハルデン物質 NDMAP の高磁場領域における磁気励起
- 7a-YK-11 Fe_xZn_F_2の比熱測定 : ランダム磁場効果の検証
- 26pPSA-20 低次元有機磁性体TEMPOにおける有効交換積分値の算出と厳密対角化法による考察
- 31pXG-5 スピン 1/2 カゴメ格子反強磁性体の磁化過程
- 31a-YP-4 (TMTSF)_2AsF_6のSDW相における磁場中比熱II
- Magnetization Process of an S=1/2 Tetramer Chain with Ferromagnetic-Ferromagnetic-Antiferromagnetic-Antiferromagnetic Bond Alternating Interactions
- High field / high frequency ESR in Osaka University
- High Field/High Frequency ESR in Osaka University (Application of Submillimeter Wave Electron Spin Resonance for Novel Magnetic Systems)
- 24pPSB-64 三角格子反強磁性体CuFeO_2のH-T磁気相図
- 25p-YK-5 強磁性-反強磁性交替鎖系(CH_3)_2CHNH_3CuCl_3の高周波ESR
- Crossbreeding between Experiment and Theory on Orthogonal Dimer Spin System
- 23pG-1 磁場によるハルデン相の破壊と3次元ネール秩序
- Crystal Structure and Magnetic Properties of the Quasi-One-Dimensional Quantum Spin System Cu_2Cl_4・H_8C_4SO_2
- 27pYB-15 FeF_2/ZnF_2多層膜の構造と磁性
- 24pPSB-26 FeF_2/ZnF_2多層膜の磁性
- 24pPSB-14 FeF_2/ZnF_2多層膜の作製
- 24pZG-5 正方晶擬二次元反強磁性体における量子エネルギーギャップのESRによる観測
- 22aPS-62 3次元ランダム磁性体Fe_xZn_F_2の磁場中における遠赤外吸収
- 25p-YK-9 3次元イジング型ランダム磁性体Fe_xZn_F_2の磁気励起
- 24pR-6 シングルイオン・マグノン束縛状態の観測
- 26a-YH-6 擬1次元磁性体Sr_3NilrO_6の磁性
- 31p-Y-7 KNiF_3の反強磁性共鳴
- Magnetization Process of an S = 1/2 Tetramer Chain with Ferromagnetic-Ferromagnetic-Antiferromagnetic-Antiferromagnetic Bond Alternating Interactions
- 1/3 Magnetization Plateau in SrCu_2(BO_3)_2 : Stripe Order of Excited Triplets : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Crossbreeding between experiment and theory on orthogonal dimer spin system
- Magnetization Process of the S=1/2 and 1 Ferrimagnetic Chain and Dimer
- Magnetization process of the S=1/2 and l ferrimagnetic chain and dimer
- Magnetic Properties of a Quantum Ferrimagnet:NiCu(Pba)(D2O)3・2D2O
- Magnetic Properties of a Quantum Ferrimagnet : NiCu (pba)(D_2O)_3・2D_2O
- Magnetic Properties of One-Dimensional Heisenberg Chains with Ferromagnetic-Antiferromagnetic Bond Alternation
- Magnetic Properties of One-Dimensional Heisenberg Chains with Ferromagnetic-Antiferromagnetic Bond Alternation
- 1/3 Magnetization Plateau in SrCu2(BO3)2--Stripe Order of Excited Triplets
- Gapped Ground State in the Spin-1/2 Trimer Chain System Cu_3Cl_6(H_2O)_2 2H_8C_4SO_2 : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Field-Induced Long-Range Ordering in Haldane Gap System NDMAZ : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Structure and Magnetic Properties of New Trigonal Iron-Boracite, Fe3B7O13(OH)