マーケティングからみた顧客価値創造 : スクリプト法を用いた"コト"の提供(<特集>顧客価値の創造と品質経営)
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The word "consumer insight" has been a focus of constant attention in the marketing management area. This means the importance to think whole concept of products with the development start which is set on customers, not catch customers' needs with it which is set on products, in order to create the real customer value. Therefore, this paper introduces the approach of the "consumer insight" used the methodology called "script". The "script" is to represent succession of events which is necessary to realize a certain consumption goal as a sequence. It is the greatest characteristic in taking advantage of the "script" that marketers can clear up the position of their corporation's own brand in the script as the brand relates one or more of these event sets. That is the "script" contributes to visualization of the relationship between their brand and customers. This visualization of the relationship is important to extract subjects of their own brand in the current situation and determine what the brand should be in the future. By having insights with using the "script", this paper introduces the point of view to develop customer value with zero-based thinking.
- 社団法人日本品質管理学会の論文
- 2005-07-15
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