- 論文の詳細を見る
Papers (articles and short communications) on wild chimpanzee studies published during 2000-2004 in scientific journals were searched comprehensively using PrimateLIT (http://primatelit.library.wisc.edu/). A total of 145 papers were found, and were compiled and summarized by topic, research sites, and authors. Among research sites, Mahale produced the highest number of papers in these 5 years, followed by Taï, Budongo, and Ngogo. Outside the journals on primatology, Japanese authors tended to publish their papers more in anthropological than behavioral ecological journals. Although the topics of study were diverse, there seemed to be some recent trends in topics that attracted more researchers. One of such topics was aggressiveness of male chimpanzees, especially in relation with inter-group violence. Another popular topic was intellectual aspects of chimpanzee behavior, such as tool use, social learning, culture, etc. Socio-ecological studies, e.g. those comparing party size and ecological variables, were still common judging from the number of papers found. However, few papers on this topic were published from Kanyawara where the topic had once flourished. Many detailed papers, mostly on social relationships among males, were published from relatively new study sites such as Ngogo where chimpanzees had recently been habituated. On the other hand, long established study sites, such as Gombe, produced several papers using long-term data that had been collected regularly by field assistants. Another major topic in these 5 years was pathological and virological studies using noninvasive samples collected in the field. The increase of this topic surely was connected with a severe decline in the number of habituated chimpanzees, especially in Taï and in Gombe.
- 日本霊長類学会の論文
- 2005-07-20
- 「接触」という相互行為--原初的対称性から考える社会性の進化 (小特集 霊長類学と人類学の架橋--『伊谷純一郎著作集』完結を記念して)
- 社会の学としての霊長類学 : 特集の趣旨説明
- あとがき
- 言語のない社会を記述するとはどういうことか (私にとっての「伊谷学」--その継承と展開)
- 霊長類学と生態人類学--「進化」は二つを繋ぐのか (特集 変貌するアフリカ・変貌する諸学との対話へむけて--21世紀のアフリカ研究と生態人類学)
- 講演1 「他者」としての霊長類,「他者」としてのアフリカ:一人のチンパンジー研究者にとっての生態人類学 (学会通信 日本アフリカ学会第42回学術大会記念シンポジウム報告 変貌するアフリカ・変貌する諸学との対話--生態人類学,47年後の意味)
- 野生チンパンジー研究の現状-2000年から2004年までに学術誌に発表された論文の傾向から
- マハレにおけるチンパンジーとその棲息地の保護の現状
- 野生霊長類の遺体, 特にその骨や歯からの個体識別について : タンザニア, マハレ山塊国立公園における野生チンパンジーの事例から
- 霊長類の毛づくろいと言語の起源 (特集 言語と人類の起源)
- Book Reviews: Dorothy M. Fragaszy and Susan Perry (eds): The biology of traditions: models and evidence, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
- チンパンジー文化研究を問う (特集2 文化と社会性の起源--進化の隣人に探る--私たち現代人が見失った何かが見つかるかもしれない)
- 調査地紹介 : マハレ山塊国立公園(タンザニア連合共和国)
- Social Scratch : Another Custom in Wild Chimpanzees?
- 社会が複雑であるとはどういうことか?―社会と個体の関わりについての問題提起
- 霊長類の文化
- 社会が複雑であるとはどういうことか? : 社会と個体の関わりについての問題提起
- コメントに対するリプライ
- マハレ山塊国立公園(タンザニア)(野外研究サイトから(20))
- 小大連携による環境教育プログラムとマルチメディア教材の実践的開発