胸腰椎部への手術的対応と成績 : 後方・前方進入による脊椎全摘除
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1997-03-25
武田 直樹
武田 直樹
美唄労災病院 勤労者腰痛脊損センター
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Bibai Rosai Hospital
武田 直樹
KANEDA Kiyoshi
Taneichi Hiroshi
Department Of Orthopaedic Surgery Hokkaido University School Of Medicine
武田 直樹
Abumi Kuniyoshi
Department Of Orthopaedic Surgery Hokkaido University Graduate School Of Medicine
Shikinami Yasuo
Takiron Co. Ltd
SATOH Shigenobu
ABUMI Kuniyoshi
SHONO Yasuhiro
Kaneda Kiyoshi
Department Of Orthopaedic Surgery Hokkaido University Graduate School Of Medicine
Shono Yasuhiro
Department Of Orthopaedic Surgery Hokkaido University School Of Medicine
- Evaluation of hydroxyapatite ceramic vertebral spacers with different porosities and their binding capability to the vertebral body : an experimental study in sheep
- 転移性脊椎腫瘍に対する前方/前後合併進入法による椎体切除/脊椎全摘術の長期成績
- 透析脊椎症の病態と手術治療
- 8.転移性脊椎腫瘍に対する脊椎全摘出または椎体切除と脊椎インストルメンテーションを用いた脊柱再建によるADLの改善について(腫瘍)
- 腸骨部悪性骨軟部腫瘍切除と骨盤輪再建
- 当科における側弯症学校検診 -一次検診のあり方について-
- Multidirectional flexibility analysis of anterior and posterior lumbar artificial disc reconstruction: in vitro human cadaveric spine model.
- Multidirectional flexibility analysis of cervical artificial disc reconstruction: in vitro human cadaveric spine model.
- Changes in the Orientation of Collagen Fibers on the Superficial Layer of the Mouse Tibial Bone after Denervation : Scanning Electron Microscopic Observations
- 骨盤発生の悪性骨・軟部腫瘍に対する広範切除後血管柄付き腓骨移植術に ISOLA system を併用した再建術の経験
- 椎弓根スクリュー固定による頚椎・頚胸椎部転移性腫瘍の治療
- Kaneda Device とAW-GC人工椎体使用による胸椎・腰椎再建の成績
- Pedicular Screw 固定法による頚椎再建
- Revision Surgery Using Pedicle Screw Fixation Systems for Previously Operated Cervical Spine
- Palliative Spinal Reconstruction Using Cervical Pedicle Screws for Metastatic Lesions of the Spine : A Retrospective Analysis of 32 Cases
- A Biomechanical Analysis of Metastatic Vertebral Collapse of the Thoracic Spine : A Sheep Model Study
- A Retrospective Radiographic Analysis of Subaxial Sagittal Alignment After Posterior C1-C2 Fusion
- Static and Dynamic Analysis of Five Anterior Instrumentation Systems for Thoracolumbar Scoliosis
- Bone Ingrowth Fixation of Artificial Intervertebral Disc Consisting of Bioceramic-Coated Three-dimensional Fabric
- Complications Related to Hydroxyapatite Vertebral Spacer in Anterior Cervical Spine Surgery
- Biomechanical Evaluation of Anterior Spinal Instrumentation Systems for Scoliosis : In Vitro Fatigue Simulation
- 長期透析に関連する脊椎疾患の病態 : 画像および組織所見からの検討
- 転移性脊椎腫瘍患者での神経麻痺に対する放射線治療の成績
- 背部軟部肉腫切除後の広範な胸郭欠損に対し、脊椎 instrumentation を用いた胸郭再建を行った1例
- 長期透析患者における破壊性脊椎症の手術治療
- 多発骨腫瘍
- 分子生物学的手法を用いた滑膜肉腫の診断(第2報)
- 足関節部軟部腫瘍
- 191. 骨盤軟骨肉腫に対する患肢温存術後理学療法の経験 : 歩行解析の推移
- 骨粗鬆症性脊椎椎体骨折後の姿勢異常とQOL低下の病態に関する研究 (平成20年度(第1回)旭化成研究助成プログラム(骨粗鬆症QOL研究)報告)
- 長期透析患者における脊椎病変の病態と手術治療
- デスモイドに対する放射線治療
- 長期透析患者における脊椎病変の病態と手術治療
- 頚椎における後方除圧と脊柱再建 : 椎弓根スクリュー固定の応用
- Comparative Biomechanical Analysis of a Cervical Cage Made of an Unsintered Hydroxyapatite Particle and Poly-L-Lactide Composite in a Cadaver Model
- 手根不安定症の治療 : 靱帯修復・再建, 背側関節包固定術
- Acellular Calcified Columns in the Normal Growth Plate of Mouse Vertebrae
- 長期透析患者における脊椎病変 : 病態と手術治療の検討
- Spinal Cord Compression by Ligamentum Flavum Hematoma in the Thoracic Spine
- Clinical outcomes of complications of circumferential spinal cord decompression through posterior approach for thoracic myelopathy caused by ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament
- Long-term follow up of surgical outcomes in patients with cervical disorders undergoing hemodialysis.
- Biomechanical study on the effect of five different lumbar reconstruction techniques on adjacent-level intradiscal pressure and lamina strain.
- Cervical spine injuries associated with lateral mass and facet joint fractures: new classification and surgical treatment with pedicle screw fixation
- Improved accuracy of computer-assisted cervical pedicle screw insertion
- Local Kyphosis Reduces Surgical Outcomes of Expansive Open-Door Laminoplasty for Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy
- Artificial Intervertebral Disc Replacement Using Bioactive Three-Dimensional Fabric : Design, Development, and Preliminary Animal Study
- Surgical Treatment of Cervical Destructive Spondyloarthropathy (DSA)
- Cineradiographic Motion Analysis of Normal Lumbar Spine During Forward and Backward Flexion
- Complications of Pedicle Screw Fixation in Reconstructive Surgery of the Cervical Spine
- Biomechanical Properties of Anterior Thoracolumbar Multisegmental Fixation : An Analysis of Construct Stiffness and Screw-Rod Strain
- Static and Cyclical Biomechanical Analysis of Pedicle Screw Spinal Constructs
- Usefulness of White Blood Cell Differential for Early Diagnosis of Surgical Wound Infection Following Spinal Instrumentation Surgery
- A Placebo-Controlled, Single-Blind Study to Determine the Appropriate Alendronate Dosage in Postmenopausal Japanese Patients with Osteopotosis
- I-G-17 閉経後骨粗鬆症に対する運動療法の効果
- パスツール処理骨による再建例で術後骨折が生じた2例
- Letters
- The Biomechanical Effect of Postoperative Hypolordosis in Instrumented Lumbar Fusion on Instrumented and Adjacent Spinal Segments
- II-J6-2 骨盤部悪性骨軟部腫瘍に対する片側骨盤離断と骨盤輪再建術による術後座位機能について
- I-G-2 転移性脊椎腫瘍患者に対する手術治療後の退院の可否に影響を与える因子の検討
- Reduction and Fixation of Sacroiliac Joint Dislocation by the Combined Use of S1 Pedicle Screws and the Galveston Technique
- Types of Spinal Instability That Require Interbody Support in Posterior Lumbar Reconstruction : An In Vitro Biomechanical Investigation
- Two-year observation of artificial intervertebral disc replacement: results after supplemental ultra-high strength bioresorbable spinal stabilization.
- Point of View
- Cross Sections and Angular Distributions for the ^B (e,p) and ^B (e,d) Reactions in the Giant Resonance Region (Nuclear Physics)
- Biomechanical and Morphologic Evaluation of a Three-Dimensional Fabric Sheep Artificial Intervertebral Disc : In Vitro and In Vivo Analysis
- 椎弓根スクリュー固定による腫瘍頚椎の再建
- 転移性脊椎腫瘍に対する術前放射線療法の意義-後(側)方及び後方前方合併進入手術における合併症と有用性-
- 転移性胸・腰椎腫瘍に対する脊椎・椎体全切除/脊柱再建術 : A-W Glass Ceramic 椎体スペーサーによる椎体置換
- II-E-3 腰痛症患者に対するMMPI : その解釈上の注意点について
- Kaneda device による胸椎・腰椎前方再建術 : 破壊性脊椎疾患における成績と適応
- 7.悪性骨・軟部腫瘍に対する骨盤半截術後のリハビリテーション : ADLの確立と社会復帰(腫瘍)
- 胸腰椎部への手術的対応と成績 : 後方・前方進入による脊椎全摘除
- 12.「16才女児の仙椎に発生した Ewing 肉腫の1例」(第13回北海道小児がん研究会)
- Clinical Results and Complications of Circumferential Spinal Cord Decompression Through a Single Posterior Approach for Thoracic Myelopathy Caused by Ossification of Posterior Longitudinal Ligament
- 骨盤部悪性骨軟部腫瘍切除後再建の経験
- Measurement of vertebral body dimensions of the thoracic and lumbar spines of 242 healthy women
- 高齢者の片脚起立におけるバランス異常の検討 : 坐位バランスと足底感覚との関連
- 骨盤部悪性骨軟部腫瘍に対する骨盤切除後の血管柄付腓骨移植と脊椎椎弓根スクリュー固定応用による再建
- One-Stage Posterior Hemivertebra Resection and Correction Using Segmental Posterior Instrumentation
- Anterior Spinal Reconstruction of the Thoraco-Lumbar Spine : Kaneda Anterior Spinal Instrumentation
- 手術治療後の転移性脊椎腫瘍患者のQOL獲得・維持における障害因子の検討
- 悪性腫瘍転移胸・腰椎の椎体圧潰に影響する諸因子の分析
- 泌尿器系悪性腫瘍の脊椎転移例の治療経験 : 第316回北海道地方会
- Evaluation of the international academic activities of members of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association(JOA)
- Tissue-Mimicking Materials Using Segmented Polyurethane Gel and Their Acoustic Properties (Special Issue : Ultrasonic Electronics)
- Favorable Outcome After Radical Resection and Subsequent Local Irradiation of Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor in the Cervical Spine
- A Replication Study for Association of 5 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms With Curve Progression of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis in Japanese Patients
- Clinical Outcomes of Combined Anterior and Posterior Spinal Fusion for Dystrophic Thoracolumbar Spinal Deformities of Neurofibromatosis-1 : Fate of Nonvascularized Anterior Fibular Strut Grafts
- A genome-wide sib-pair linkage analysis of ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament of the spine