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Because the net CaSUP2+/SUP uptake in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) of cardiac muscle is a result of the activity of CaSUP2+/SUP-ATPase and of the SR CaSUP2+/SUP-release channel, an abnormal CaSUP2+/SUP uptake may be the result of the dysfunction of either or both structures. The site or sites of action for oxygen-derived free radicals (OFR) damage are unknow, although previous studies on the SR have focused on damage to the CaSUP2+/SUP pump. Direct effects of OFR on SR CaSUP2+/SUP-release channels may be important in understanding their potential contribution to myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury. We confirmed that superoxide anion radical (O2SUP·-/SUP) generated from hypoxanthine-xanthine oxidase reaction decreases calmodulin content and increases SUP45/SUPCaSUP2+/SUP efflux from the heavy fraction of canine cardiac SR vesicles. Electron spin resonance study showed that hydroxyl radicals are generated in addition to O2SUP·-/SUP from hypoxanthine-xanthine oxidase reaction, and data indicate that O2SUP·-/SUP is responsibe for the observed effect. Current fluctuations through single CaSUP2+/SUP-release channels have been also monitored after incorporation into planar phospholipid bilayers. We directly demonstrate that activation of the channel by O2SUP·-/SUP stimulates CaSUP2+/SUPrelease from heavy SR vesicles and suggest the importance of accessory proteins such as calmodulin in modulating the effect of O2SUP·-/SUP.
- 社団法人 日本薬理学会の論文
- 1998-10-01
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