インドネシア, バリ島民の歯列弓および口蓋の形態に関する形質人類学的研究
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Many investigators indicate that there are differences in human oral traits by ethnicity and sex. The aim of this study is to clarify the traits of Balinese oral cavity, and demonstrate the ethnic relationships of Balinese among Asians population. The 174 plaster models taken from 86 males and 88 females of Balinese were used in this study. Each measurement of the Balinese dental arches and palates was compared between males and females. And it was also compared with that of Japanese from Ishigakijima, Okinawa, Tanegashima, Iki and Kitakyushu, and Taiwanese, Taiwan Aboriginals (Ami, Bunun, Paiwan and Rukai tribes) and Central American Indian Jicaques. Upper and lower dental arch lengths of the Balinese were not significantly different between males and females. Compared with other groups, upper and lower posterior dental arch lengths were longer in the Balinese than in the Taiwan Aboriginals, and upper dental arch lengths were longer in the Balinese than in the Jicaques. Dental arch breadths of the Balinese were significantly greater in the males than in the females. They were smaller in the Balinese than in the Taiwanese, the Taiwan Aboriginals and the Jicaques. Lengths of dental arch of the Balinese were significantly longer in the males than in the females. The distance between the central incisor and the left first molar was longer in the Balinese than in the Taiwanese and the Taiwan Aboriginals. Anterior palatal heights and length of sutura palatina mediana of the Balinese were not significantly different between males and females, and posterior palatal heights were significantly greater in the males than in the females. Palatal heights were greater in the Balinese than in the Japanese, the Taiwanese, the Taiwan Aboriginals and the Jicaques. Length of sutura palatina mediana was longer in the Balinese than in the Japanese, the Taiwanese, the Taiwan Aboriginals and the Jicaques. Palatal arch lengths of the Balinese were significantly longer in the males than in the females. They were longer in the Balinese than in the people from Ishigakijima, the people from Iki, the Ami and the Bunun. Palatal breadths of the Balinese were significantly greater in the males than in the females except in the distance between canines. They were greater in the Balinese than in the people from Okinawa, and narrower than in the Jicaques. Mandibular alveolar breadths of the Balinese were greater in the males than in the females except in the distance between canines. They were narrower in the Balinese than in the people from Ishigakijima, the people from Kitakyushu, the Taiwanese, the Taiwan Aboriginals and the Jicaques. These findings and the results of cluster analysis, the neighbor-joining method and multidimensional scaling (MDS) suggest that the oral traits of the Balinese differ from those of the Taiwan Aboriginals and the Jicaques, and are similar to the Japanese.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1997-02-25
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- インドネシア, バリ島民の歯列弓および口蓋の形態に関する形質人類学的研究 : 主論文の要旨
- インドネシア, バリ島民の歯列弓および口蓋の形態に関する形質人類学的研究
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