Accumulation and depuration of microcystin produced by the cyanobacterium Microcystis in a freshwater snail
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2003-12-01
Kumagai Michio
Lake Biwa Environmental Research Institute
Kumagai Michio
Lake Biwa Environmental Res. Inst.
朴 虎東
Kumagai Michio
Lake Biwa Institute
Department of Biochemical Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, Chiba University
Lake Biwa Research Institute
OZAWA Kazuhiko
Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, Shinshu University
Faculty of Geo-Environmental Sciences, Rissho University
PARK Ho-Dong
Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, Shinshu University
Park Ho-dong
Department Of Environmental Sciences Faculty Of Science Shinshu University
Ozawa Kazuhiko
Department Of Environmental Sciences Faculty Of Science Shinshu University
Watanabe Mariyo
Faculty Of Geo-environmental Sciences Rissho University
Watanabe Mariyo
Faculty Of Geo-environmental Science Rissho University
Ishikawa Kanako
Lake Biwa Institute
Yokoyama Atsushi
Department Of Biochemical Pharmacology Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Science Chiba University
Yokoyama Atsushi
Department Of Environmental Sciences Faculty Of Science Shinshu University
Yokoyama Atsushi
Department Of Anatomy I Fujita Health University School Of Medicine
- 諏訪湖で起きたアオコの激減とラン藻組成の変化
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- 67 森林土壌タイプ間での腐植酸脱色菌割合の比較(関東支部講演会,2006年度各支部会)
- 66 カラマツ葉リター分解初期過程におけるフォスファターゼ活性とリン形態の経時変化(関東支部講演会,2006年度各支部会)
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- 37 アルカリ資材添加土壌における重金属形態と微生物群集の生理的性質(関東支部講演会,2011年度各支部会)
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