Comparing MODIS vegetation indices with AVHRR NDVI for monitoring the forage quantity and quality in Inner Mongolia grassland, China
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Japanese Society of Grassland Scienceの論文
- 2005-03-01
川村 健介
AKIYAMA Tsuyoshi
River Basin Research Center, Gifu University
River Basin Research Center, Gifu University
YOKOTA Hiro-omi
Graduate School of Bio-agricultural Sciences, Nagoya University
National Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science, National Agricultural and Bio-oriented Resear
YASUDA Taisuke
Division of Natural Sciences, Yamanashi Institute of Environmental Sciences
Laboratory of Levee Vegetation Management, National Agricultural Research Center for Western Regions
WANG Shiping
Institute of Botany, Chinese-Academy of Sciences
Nasu Research Station, National Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science
YOKOTA Hiro-omi
Nagoya University Farm, Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University
Yasuda Taisuke
Division Of Natural Sciences Yamanashi Institute Of Environmental Sciences
Tsutsumi Michio
Nasu Research Station National Institute Of Livestock And Grassland Science
Wang Shiping
Institute Of Botany Chinese-academy Of Sciences
Yokota Hiro-omi
Nagoya University Farm Graduate School Of Bioagricultural Sciences Nagoya University
Yokota Hiro-omi
Graduate School Of Bio-agricultural Sciences Nagoya University
Akiyama Tsuyoshi
River Basin Research Center Gifu University
Akiyama Tsuyoshi
Gifu Univ. Gifu Jpn
Watanabe Osamu
Laboratory Of Levee Vegetation Management National Agricultural Research Center For Western Regions
Tsutsumi Michio
National Agricultural Res. Center For Western Region Shimane Jpn
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