果菜類接ぎ木苗生産システムの構築 : ゼロエミッション型エコファーム構想
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It is important that both seedling production and the plants cultivated from them should be environmentally low-load from eco-engineering standpoint. In this study, we show the demands for fruit-vegetable grafted seedlings, the problems to be solved at producing them, and the technical trends on grafting. Then, we introduce the philosophy of Phytotechnology. Phytotechnology has been in progress toward academic and technological advancement for the development of new bio-production systems based on:- environmental protection, safety and high quality production and high productivity while saving costs. In line with this thinking, we show a project that the excellent farmer, the mechanical engineers and the plant physiological scientists have tackled. The project is to develop a production system for fruit-vegetable grafted seedlings using Plug-in method. Then, we introduce a concept for zero emission eco-farm. It is important to have adequate knowledge about an organism so that products can become friendly to the environment. Such knowledge makes low injection, efficient use and recycling of energy and materials realizable. Care and management of cultivation also become easy. The bio-production industry has to be attractive and economically feasible. But it should not be too profitable as to become independent as sustainable industry. It is important to evaluate bio-production systems with such a multidisciplinary and comprehensive strategy.
- 2005-01-31
西浦 芳史
安栗 嘉雄
屋代 東
西田 俊夫
奥山 康久
西浦 芳史
大阪府立大学 大学院生命環境科学研究科 応用生命科学専攻 生物情報工学講座生物計測制御工学研究グループ
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