Examination of Appearance of Biaxial Nematic Phase for the Rod-Disc Mixtures using Symmetry Breaking Potential Method
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2003-09-15
国府田 隆夫
国府田 隆夫
木村 初男
Ikeda Shin-ichi
Nanoelectronics Research Institute Aist
KODA Tomonori
Faculty of Engineering, Yamagata University
IKEDA Susumu
Faculty of Engineering, Yamagata University
MATSUDA Hiromitsu
Faculty of Engineering, Yamagata University
Kimura Hatsuo
Faculty Of Engineering Yamagata University
Koda Tomonori
Faculty Of Engineering Yamagata University
木村 初男
Institute Of Materials Structure Science High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (kek)
Matsuda Hiromitsu
Faculty Of Engineering Yamagata University
- エミリオ・セグレ著, 久保亮五・矢崎裕二訳, 古典物理学を創った人々 : ガリレオからマクスウェルまで, みすず書房, 東京, 1992, vi+408p., 21.5×15cm, 5,974円
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- B. Gregory著, 亀淵 迪訳, 物理と実在; 創り出された自然像, 丸善, 1993, x+324p., 19×13cm, 2,472円
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