Optimization of Gd-DTPA-enhanced Balanced Turbo Field Echo Sequence in Abdominal Imaging : A Basic Study
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Purpose: To determine the optimum imaging conditions for the balanced turbo field echo (bTFE) sequence in abdominal imaging, we performed phantom experiments and scanning of a normal volunteer while noting the correlation among signal intensity, k-space ordering, flow velocity and Gd-DTPA concentration. Materials and Methods: Initially, the abdomen of a healthy volunteer and some samples (water, blood and bovine albumin solutions with various Gd-DTPA concentrations, and olive oil) were examined with the bTFE sequence under various conditions to define the correlation among signal intensity, k-space ordering and Gd-DTPA concentration. Another experiment was performed to assess the correlation between the flow velocity and Gd-DTPA concentration. With the centric-bTFE sequence, we measured the signal intensity of water samples having various Gd-DTPA concentrations flowing in a long tube with an internal diameter of 4 mm. Results: The experiments revealed the following issues: (i) The contrast of bTFE images was much influenced by k-space ordering; (ii) Gd-DTPA did not exhibit an overt enhancement effect in water and blood under stable conditions; (iii) The signal intensity of moving water decreased in centric-bTFE images, and this signal drop became more significant as the fluid speed increased; and (iv) Gd-DTPA decreased the range of signal loss in the moving fluid; however, this effect had no correlation with Gd-DTPA concentration. Conclusion: When the bTFE sequence was employed for abdominal imaging, centric view ordering, fat suppression and Gd-DTPA contrast enhancement were assumed to be necessary.
- 日本磁気共鳴医学会の論文
- 2004-07-15
村上 康二
村上 康二
獨協医科大学病院 Petセンター
那須 克宏
黒木 嘉典
那須 克弘
黒木 嘉典
Department of Pathogenic Biochemistry Research Institute for Wakan-Yaku
NASU Katsuhiro
Department of Radiology, Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Tsukuba Hospital
Moriyama Noriyuki
Department Of Diagnostic Radiology National Cancer Center Hospital
Moriyama Noriyuki
Department Of Radiology National Cancer Center Hospital
KUROKI Yoshifumi
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, National Cancer Center Hospital East
NAWANO Shigeru
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, National Cancer Center Hospital East
NASU Katsuhiro
National Cancer Center Hospital East
KUROKI Yoshifumi
National Cancer Center Hospital East
Department of Cancer Screening, Research Center for Cancer Prevention and Screening, National Cancer
黒木 聖子
Department Of Radiology National Cancer Center Hospital
Nasu Katsuhiro
Department Of Radiology National Cancer Center Hospital East
Nasu Katsuhiro
Department Of Radiology Institute Of Clinical Medicine University Of Tsukuba Hospital
Murakami Koji
Department Of General Medicine Omiya Medical Center Jichi Medical School
Kuroki Yoshifumi
Department Of Diagnostic Radiology Tochigi Cancer Center Hospital
Murakami Koji
Department Of Food Science And Technology Faculty Of Agriculture Kyoto University
Murakami Koji
Department Of Civil And Structural Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Kyushu University
Nasu Katsuhiro
Department Of Diagnostic Radiology National Cancer Center Hospital East
Kuroki Yoshifumi
Department Of Diagnostic Radiology National Cancer Center Hospital East
Murakami Koji
Department Of Radiology National Cancer Center Hospital East
Nawano Shigeru
Department Of Diagnostic Radiology National Cancer Center Hospital East
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