Kang Tae
National Inst. Of Toxicological Res. Korea Food And Drug Administration
Kang Tae
National Institute Of Agricultural Science And Technology Division Of Insect Resources Laboratory Of
奥島 雄一
Kurashiki Museum of Natural History
Kurashiki Museum of Natural History
- Effects of Postnatal Administration of Diethylstilbestrol on Puberty and Thyroid Function in Male Rats
- In vitro study of Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) endocrine disruptor screening and testing methods- establishment of a recombinant rat androgen receptor (rrAR) binding assay
- Evaluation of liver and thyroid toxicity in Sprague-Dawley rats after exposure to polybrominated diphenyl ether BDE-209
- P152 Effects of Di (2-ethlyhexyl) phthalate on steroidogenesis and apoptosis in the testis of Sprague-Dawley rats
- Effects of Di(2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate on Regulation of Steroidogenesis or Spermatogenesis in Testes of Sprague-Dawley Rats
- 島根県産ヒメシロチョウ標本の発見と記録の検証
- 博物館だより(3)バーゼル自然史博物館研修報告--収蔵コレクションの管理と活用例
- Gestational Exposure to Nonylphenol Causes Precocious Mammary Gland Development in Female Rat Offspring
- Calbindin-D_ mRNA Expression in the Rat Uterus Following Exposure to Methoxychlor : A Comparison of Oral and Subcutaneous Exposure
- Assessing Estrogenic Activity of Pyrethroid Insecticides Using In Vitro Combination Assays
- 214 Effects of Cocaine Hydrochloride on Dopaminergic System of the Brain in Rats
- Induction of apoptosis and CYP4A1 expression in Sprague-Dawley rats exposed to low doses of perfluorooctane sulfonate
- 台湾産ジョウカイボン属の金属光沢をもつ3新種
- 日本産Cantharis属の種
- 日本産ジョウカイボン属の3新種
- 台湾のヒゲナガジョウカイ属とその1新亜属の記載
- 台湾のクリイロジョウカイ属
- 琉球列島のマルムネジョウカイ属
- 台湾産クリイロジョウカイ属の2新種
- 琉球列島のクビアカジョウカイ属
- A Record of Wittmercantharis curtata (Coleoptera, Cantharidae) from Hokkaido, Japan
- A New Record of Themus ishigakiensis (Coleoptera, Cantharidae) from Iriomote-jima Island, Southwest Japan
- Redescription of a Rare Cantharid Species, Podosilis omissa, with the First Record of Female from Japan (Coleoptera : Cantharidae)
- 倉敷市の一般家屋で発生したトコジラミ刺症
- A New Record of Themus subcaeruleus (Coleoptera, Cantharidae) from Laos
- New Distributional Records of Micropodabrus maculivertex (Coleoptera, Cantharidae)
- A Brief Note on Habronychus aritai M. SATO : Coleoptera, Cantharidae
- Records of Themus ohkawai M. SATO (Coleoptera, Cantharidae) from Kyushu, Japan
- A New Record of Athemus teruhisai (Coleoptera, Cantharidae) from Kume-jima of the Ryukyu Islands
- 海外の博物館(No.7)バーゼル自然史博物館の昆虫標本
- A Brief Note on the Cantharid Fauna (Coleoptera, Cantharidae) of Teuri and Yagishiri Islands off Northwestern Hokkaido, Japan
- 日本産シリブトジョウカイ属の1新種と追加記録
- Response to Letter to the Editor
- 韓国産ジョウカイボン科の分類学的研究(6)済州島の3新種
- コレクション紹介(第1回)倉敷市立自然史博物館の昆虫標本コレクション
- 絵とき検索シリーズ(9)絵とき検索 日本産ジョウカイボン種群
- ジョウカイという虫
- 日本の絶滅昆虫(第34回)岡山県のレッドデータ昆虫
- A Record of Wittmercantharis curtata (Coleoptera, Cantharidae) from Shikoku, Japan
- The Genus Athemus (Coleoptera, Cantharidae) of the Ryukyu Islands, Southwest Japan
- Evaluation of in vitro screening system for estrogenicity : comparison of stably transfected human estrogen receptor-α transcriptional activation (OECD TG455) assay and estrogen receptor (ER) binding assay
- 博物館だより(7)自然史博物館の教育普及活動における駆除スズメバチ巣の活用
- タカサゴキララマダニによる人体刺症の5例
- A New Record of Themus chaoi (Coleoptera, Cantharidae) from Northern Vietnam