Correlation Between Indocyanine Green Angiographic Findings and Histopathology of Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2004-05-01
SHIMADA Hiroyuki
Department of Ophthalmology, School of Medicine, Nihon University
YUZAWA Mitsuko
Department of Ophthalmology, School of Medicine, Nihon University
Shimada Hiroyuki
Nihon Univ. Tokyo Jpn
Department of Ophthalmology, School of Medicine, Nihon University
Yuzawa M
Department Of Ophthalmology Nihon University School Of Medicine Surugadai Hospital Of Nihon Universi
Yuzawa Mitsuko
Department Of Ophthalmology Surugadai Hospital Of Nihon University
Mori Ryusaburo
日本大学 医学部眼科学
Mori R
Department Of Ophthalmology Nihon University School Of Medicine Surugadai Hospital Of Nihon Universi
Mori Ryusaburo
Department Of Ophthalmology School Of Medicine Nihon University
Nakajima Masami
Department Of Ophthalmology Nihon University School Of Medicine Surugadai Hospital Of Nihon Universi
Mori Ryusaburo
Department Of Ophthalmology Nihon University School Of Medicine Surugadai Hospital Of Nihon Universi
Nakajima Masami
College Of Agriculture Ibaraki University
Nakajima Masami
Department Of Agricultural And Environmental Biology The University Of Tokyo:(present Address)school
Shimada Hiroyuki
Department Of Ophthalmology School Of Medicine Nihon University
Shimada H
Department Of Ophthalmology School Of Medicine Nihon University
Yuzawa Mitsuko
Department Of Ophthalmology Nihon University Hospital
Shimada Hiroyuki
Department Of Geriatrics And Neurology Osaka City University Graduate School Of Medicine
SHIMADA Hiroyuki
Department of Clinical Pathology, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology
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