Thermodynamic Study on Dioxygen Binding of Diiron(II)and Dicobalt(II) Complexes Containing Various Dinucleating Ligands
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Chemical Society of Japanの論文
- 1998-10-15
鈴木 正昭
理化学研究所神戸研究所 分子イメージング研究プログラム
Department of Physiology, Fukuoka University
Uehara A
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Kanazawa University
Uehara Akira
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Kanazawa University
Uehara Akira
Department Of Physiology School Of Medicine Fukuoka University
Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Kanazawa University
SUZUKI Masatatsu
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Kanazawa University
Fujinami S
Division Of Material Sciences Graduate School Of Natural Science And Technology Kanazawa University
NAGAYAMA Toshihiko
Department of Chemistry,Faculty of Science,Kanazawa University
MARUYAMA Sachihito
Department of Chemistry,Faculty of Science,Kanazawa University
Department of Chemistry,Faculty of Science,Kanazawa University
鈴木 正昭
Department Of Functional Polymer Science Faculty Of Textile Science And Technology Shinshu Universit
Yasuda Yuichi
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Kanazawa University
Fujinami Shuhei
Department Of Chemical Science Graduate School Of Natural Science And Technology Kanazawa University
Sugimoto H
Department Of Chemistry Graduate School Of Science Osaka City University
Sugimoto H
Osaka City Univ. Osaka
Sugimoto Hideki
Department Of Agrobiological Science Faculty Of Agriculture Ehime University
Nagayama Toshihiko
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Kanazawa University
Maruyama Sachihito
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Kanazawa University
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- Preparation and solid-phase thermal reactions of hexaamminechromium(III) amino polycarboxylates under quasiisothermal and -isobaric conditions.
- Bis-Type Cobalt(III) and Chromium(III) Complexes with Related Compounds of Nitrilotriacetic Acid
- Derivatographic studies on transition metal complexes. XX. Thermal electron transfer reactions of cobalt(III) complexes containing phenylbiguanide in the solid phase.
- Cis-to-trans isomerization of bis(diamine)bis(isothiocyanato)chromium(III) thiocyanate in the solid state.
- Thermal reactions of octahedral nickel(II) complexes containing N,N- and N,N'-dialkylethylenediamines in a solid phase.
- Derivatographic Studies on Transition Metal Complexes. VI. Thermal, cis, trans-to-cis, cis Exchange-Isomerization of [CoCl2(NH3)2en]SCN·H2O in Solid Phase
- Dinuclear cobalt(II) complexes containing 1,3-(or 1,5-)bis(bis(2-pyridylmethyl)amino)-2-propanolato(or -3-pentanolato): Preparation and reaction with molecular oxygen.
- Preparation of Hydroxoaquo- and Diol-Type Cobalt(III) Complexes with Analogues of Nitrilotriacetic Acid
- Derivatographic Studies on Transition Metal Complexes. XIII. Thermal Decomposition of [Ni(N2H4)6]X2 Complexes
- Derivatographic studies on transition metal complexes. XVIII. Thermal isomerization of cis-[CrCl2tn2]Cl 0.5H2O in solid phase.
- Derivatographic studies on transition metal complexes. XIX. Thermal isomerization of trans-[CrCl2(en)2](H5O2)Cl2 and trans-[CrCl2(pn)2]Cl 1.5H2O in solid phase.
- Derivatographic Studies on Transition Metal Complexes. VIII. Thermal Deaquation-Anation Reaction of cis-[CoX(H2O)N4]Y2 Type Complexes in Solid Phase
- Preparation and stereochemistry of the cobalt(III) complexes with N,N'-polymethylenedi(salicylideneamine) and its related compounds.
- Derivatographic Studies on Transition Metal Complexes. XII. Thermal Olation of Hydroxoaquo Cobalt(III) and Chromium(III) Complexes Containing Amino Acids in Solid Phase
- Derivatographic Studies on Transition Metal Complexes. X. Thermal Octahedral-to-Square Planar Transformation of Ni(NN-deen)2X2·nH2O in Solid Phase
- Preparation of nickel(II) complexes with 2,3-butanediamines and their thermal octahedral-square planar transformation.
- Syntheses and characterization of dinuclear manganese(II, II) and manganese(II, III) complexes with phenolate and two carboxylate bridges.
- Solid-phase thermal syntheses of binuclear chromium(III) and cobalt(III) complexes containing N-(2-sulfoethyl)iminodiacetic acid.
- X-Ray Crystal Structures of Octahedral Diaquabis(N,N-dialkyl-ethylenediamine)nickel(II) Complexes Possessing Elongated Nickel(II)-Nitrogen Bonds along Axial Direction.