Variations in the toxicity of Mlcrocystis species to Moina macrocopa
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1998-06-01
National Institute for Environmental Studies
KAYA Kunimitsu
National Institute for Environmental Studies
Kaya Kunimitsu
Nationai Institute For Environmental Studies
YASUNO Masayuki
School of Environmental Science, The University of Shiga Prefecture
National Institute for Environmental Studies
菅谷 芳雄
Sugaya Yoshio
National Inst. Environmental Studies Ibaraki Prefecture Jpn
菅谷 芳雄
Yasuno Masayuki
School Of Environmental Science The University Of Shiga Prefecture
Watanabe M
National Inst. Environmental Studies Ibaraki Jpn
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- Preface
- 農薬の河川環境等の生態系への影響