Degradation of the toxic cyanobacterium Microcystis viridis using predaceous micro-animals combined with bacteria
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1998-06-01
National Institute for Environmental Studies
Sugiura N
Graduate School Of Life And Environmental Sciences University Of Tsukuba
Sugiura Norio
Graduate School Of Life And Environmental Sciences Univ. Of Tsukuba
Sugiura Norio
Institute Of Agricultural And Forest Engineering University Of Tsukuba
National Institute for Environmental Studies
Institute of Applied Biochemistry, University of Tsukuba
Inamori Yuhei
National Institute for Environmental Studies
Inamori Y
Fukushima Univ.
Inamori Yuhei
National Institute Of Environmental Studies
Inanimori Yuhei
National Institute For Environmental Studies
National Institute for Environmental Studies
Iwami N
Inamori Ryuhei
Fukushima Univ.
Matsumura M
Graduate School Of Life And Environmental Science University Of Tsukuba
Matsumura Masatoshi
Institute Of Applied Biochemistry University Of Tsukuba
Matsumura M
Graduate School Of Agriculture University Of Tsukuba
Matsumura Masatoshi
Agricultual Sciences University Of Tsukuba
Inamori Ryuhei
Faculty Of Symbiotic Systems Science Department Of Environmental System Management Fukushima Univers
Matsumura Masatoshi
Institute Applied Biochemisry Tsukuba University
Inamori Ryuhei
Faculty Of Symbiotic Systems Science Department Of Environmental System Management Fukushima Univers
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- Detection of AE Events due to Cracks in TBC during Spraying Process
- Preface
- Enzymatic pathway for biodegrading microcystin LR in Sphingopyxis sp. C-1(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Application of Lactobacillus plantarum ATCC 8014 for Wastewater Treatment in Fisheries Industry Processing
- Evaluation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from a Continuous Activated Sludge Process under Power Saving Conditions