不規則跳躍視刺激による衝動性眼球運動の定量的解析 : 加齢による影響および内転眼と外転眼の差について
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Quantitative analysis of saccadic eye movements by randomized visual stimulation in the horizontal plane was carried out in 131 normal subjects with Contraves computerized oculomotor testing system.<BR>1. In order to evaluate the influence of the saccade amplitude, we investigated the relationships between the saccade amplitude and the maximum velocity, duration, latency and gain. The saccade amplitude and maximum velocity had a nonlinear relationship, and the saccade amplitude and duration were found to be linearly correlated.<BR>2. Investigation on the effect of increasing age on saccadic eye movements revealed a linear tendency between increasing age and decreasing maximum velocity.<BR>3. The difference between nasal saccade and temporal saccade was studied. Statistical analysis demonstrated that the maximum velocity of the nasal saccade was faster than that of the temporal saccade and the duration was shorter.<BR>4. The difference of the real excursion angle between the nasal saccade and the temporal saccade was studied. Geometrical analysis demonstrated that the temporal saccade was larger than the nasal saccade.
- 日本めまい平衡医学会の論文
- 1995-04-01
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