Bronchioloalveolar Carcinoma Masked by Gravity-dependent Gradient on Computed Tomography
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Japanese Society of Internal Medicineの論文
- 2002-06-01
Ishida T
First Department Of Internal Medicine Kagawa Medical University
Ishii Tomoya
香川医科大学 1内
the First Department of Internal Medicine, Kagawa Medical University
the First Department of Internal Medicine, Kagawa Medical University
TOJO Yasunori
the First Department of Internal Medicine, Kagawa Medical University
ISHIDA Toshihiko
the First Department of Internal Medicine, Kagawa Medical University
Satoh Katashi
Department Of Radiology Faculty Of Medicine Kagawa University
Satoh Katashi
The Department Of Radiology
Ishii Tomoya
First Department Of Internal Medicine Kagawa Medical University
Ishida Toshihiko
The First Department Of Internal Medicine Kagawa Medical University
the Second Department of Surgery, Kagawa Medical University
the Second Department of Surgery, Kagawa Medical University
the Department of Diagnostic Pathology, Kagawa Medical University
the First Department of Internal Medicine
HUANG Cheng-Long
the Second Department of Surgery
Fujita Jiro
Department Of Medicine And Therapeutics Control And Prevention Of Infectious Diseases Faculty Of Med
Satoh Katashi
Departments Of Radiology Faculty Of Medicine Kagawa Medical University
Bandoh Shuji
First Department Of Internal Medicine Kagawa Medical University
Huang Cheng-long
Second Department Of Surgery Faculty Of Medicine Kagawa University
Fujita Jiro
松山市民病院 臨床病理検査室
Okamoto Taku
Second Department Of Surgery Kagawa Medical University
佐藤 功
Department Of Radiology Faculty Of Medicine Kagawa University
Tojo Yasunori
The First Department Of Internal Medicine Kagawa Medical University
Fujita Jiro
Department Of Medicine And Therapeutics Control And Prevention Of Infectious Diseases Faculty Of Med
Yokomise Hiroyasu
Second Department Of Surgery Faculty Of Medicine Kagawa University
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- Corticosteroid Refractory Radiation Pneumonitis that Remarkably Responded to Cyclosporin A.