Net depth response of a depth-controllable (towed) gillnet for fish sampling
藤森 康澄
Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University
Graduate School of Fisheries Science, Laboratory of Marine Environment and Resource Sensing, Hokkaid
Graduate School of Fisheries Science, Laboratory of Marine Environment and Resource Sensing, Hokkaid
Department of Marine Biosciences, Faculty of Marine Science, Tokyo University of Marine Science and
SHIODE Daisuke
Graduate School of Fisheries Science, Laboratory of Marine Environment and Resource Sensing, Hokkaid
Hu Fuxiang
Department Of Marine Science And Technology Tokyo University Of Fisheries
Hu Fuxiang
Department Of Marine Biosciences Faculty Of Marine Science Tokyo University Of Marine Science And Te
Miura T
Laboratory Of Marine Environment And Resource Sensing Graduate School Of Fisheries Sciences Hokkaido
Miura Teisuke
Hokkaido Univ. Hokkaido
Miura Teisuke
Graduate School Of Fisheries Science Hokkaido University
Shiode Daisuke
Department Of Marine Biosciences Faculty Of Marine Science Tokyo University Of Marine Science And Te
Shimizu S
Laboratory Of Marine Environment And Resource Sensing Graduate School Of Fisheries Sciences Hokkaido
Shiode Daisuke
Graduate School Of Fisheries Laboratory Of Marine Environment And Resource Sensing Hokkaido Universi
Shiode Daisuke
Tokyo Univ. Marine Sci. And Technol. Tokyo Jpn
Fujimori Y
Fujimori Yasuzumi
Graduate School Of Fisheries Science Hokkaido University
Shimizu Susumu
Graduate School Of Fisheries Science Hokkaido University
Hu Fuxinag
Department of Marine Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Fisheries
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- 160GT型沖合底曳き網漁船の追波操業時の復原性
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