Aberrant DNA Methylation on Chromosome 16 Is an Early Event in Hepatocarcinogenesis
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1996-12-30
Pathology Division, National Cancer Center Research Institute and Hospital
TSUDA Hitoshi
Pathology Division, National Cancer Center Hospital and Research Institute
Hirohashi S
Pathology Division National Cancer Center Research Institute
Hirohashi S
Pathology Division National Canter Center Research Institute
Hirohashi Setsuo
国立がんセンター研究所 化学療法部
Pathology Division, National Cancer Center Research Institute
Sakamoto M
Department Of Pathology Keio University School Of Medicine
Kanai Y
国立がんセンター研究所 病理部
Kanai Yae
Pathology Division National Cancer Center Research Institute
Kanai Yae
Pathologv Division National Cancer Center Research Institute
Pathology Division, National Cancer Center Research Institute
Pathology Division, National Cancer Center Research Institute
Pathology Division, National Cancer Center Research Institute
Ushijima Saori
Pathology Division National Cancer Center Research Institute
Hirohashi S
National Cancer Center Res. Inst. Tokyo
Hirohashi Setsuo
Pathology Division And National Cancer Center Research Institute
Sakamoto Michiie
Pathology Division National Cancer Center Research Institute
Sakamoto Michiie
Pathology Division And National Cancer Center Research Institute
Kondo Yutaka
Pathology Division National Cancer Center Research Institute
Tsuda Hitoshi
Pathology And Clinical Laboratory Division National Cancer Center Hospital
Sugimura Takashi
Pathology Division National Cancer Center Research Institute
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