Pharmacodynamic Modeling of the Entire Time Course of Leukopenia after a 3-Hour Infusion of Paclitaxel
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2001-02-28
Minami H
Medical Oncology Department Of Medicine Kobe University Hospital And Graduate School Of Medicine
Minami Hironobu
神戸大学 医学研究科腫瘍内科学
Minami Hironobu
Minami Hironobu
National Cancer Center Hospital East
National Cancer Center Hospital
SASAKI Yasutsuna
National Cancer Center Hospital East
Minami H
Department Of Hematology Fujita Health University School Of Medicine
Mukai Hirofumi
国立がんセンター東病院 化学療法科血液
Mukai Hirofumi
National Cancer Center Hospital East Oncology/hematology
Minami Hironobu
The Division Of Oncology/hematology National Cancer Center Hospital East
Minami Hironobu
Oncology/hematology National Cancer Center Hospital East
Watanabe T
Tokyo Univ. Tokyo
Ogawa Makoto
Aichi Cancer Center
Watanabe T
Department Of Pathology Gifu University School Of Medicine
Mitsuya Hiroaki
Department Of Hematology And Infectious Diseases Kumamoto University Graduate School Of Medical Scie
Minami Hironobu
National Cancer Center Hospital East Oncology/hematology
Mukai Hirofumi
Division Of Oncology And Hematology National Cancer Center Hospital East
Sasaki Yasutsuna
Division Of Hematology And Oncology National Cancer Center Hospital East
Watanabe Toru
Hematology And Stem Cell Transplantation Division National Cancer Center Hospital
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