Mukai Hirofumi | National Cancer Center Hospital East Oncology/hematology
Minami H
Medical Oncology Department Of Medicine Kobe University Hospital And Graduate School Of Medicine
Minami Hironobu
神戸大学 医学研究科腫瘍内科学
Minami Hironobu
Minami Hironobu
National Cancer Center Hospital East
Minami Hironobu
Division Of Oncology/hematology National Cancer Center Hospital East
MINAMI Hironobu
Division of Oncology and Hematology, National Cancer Center Hospital East
SAITO Yoshiro
Project Team for Pharmacogenetics, National Institute of Health Sciences
Project Team for Pharmacogenetics, National Institute of Health Sciences
SAWADA Jun-ichi
Project Team for Pharmacogenetics, National Institute of Health Sciences
Ozawa Shogo
Project Team For Pharmacogenetics National Institute Of Health Sciences
- Genetic Variations and Haplotypes of ABCC2 Encoding MRP2 in a Japanese Population
- Phase I and II pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic study of the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib in Japanese patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma
- Twelve Novel Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in the CES2 Gene Encoding Human Carboxylesterase 2 (hCE-2)
- Genetic Variations and Frequencies of Major Haplotypes in SLCO1B1 Encoding the Transporter OATP1B1 in Japanese Subjects : SLCO1B1^*17 is More Prevalent Than ^*15
- 日本人におけるヒトSLC29A1の新規遺伝子多型の同定
- Genetic Variation and Haplotype Structure of the ABC Transporter Gene ABCG2 in a Japanese Population
- Genetic Variations and Haplotypes of UGT1A4 in a Japanese Population
- Genetic Polymorphisms of UGT1A6 in a Japanese Population
- Genetic Variations of the AHR Gene Encoding Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor in a Japanese Population
- Three Novel Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in UGT1A9