Potentiometric pH Response of Polymer Membranes Incorporated with Ion-exchangers
CHO Dong
Chemical Engineering of Chonnam National University
Department of Chemistry, Yonsei University
Paeng K‐j
Yonsei Univ. Wonju Kor
Paeng Ki-jung
Department Of Chemistry Yonsei University
Cha G
Kwangwoon Univ. Seoul Kor
Oh Hyun
Chemical Sensor Research Group Department Of Chemistry Kwangwoon University
Nam Hakhyun
Chemical Sensor Research Group Department Of Chemistry Kwangwoon University
Cho H
Chemical Sensor Research Group Department Of Chemistry Kwangwoon University
Kim Moon
Chemical Sensor Research Group Department Of Chemistry Kwangwoon University
LEE Kyung
Chemical Sensor Research Group, Department of Chemistry, Kwangwoon University
Chemical Sensor Research Group, Department of Chemistry, Kwangwoon University
CHA Geun
Chemical Sensor Research Group, Department of Chemistry, Kwangwoon University
Cho Dong
Chemical Sensor Research Group Department Of Chemistry Kwangwoon University
Lee Kyung
Chemical Sensor Research Group Department Of Chemistry Kwangwoon University
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