Adenoma of the common bile duct in Gardner's syndrome may cause relapsing acute pancreatitis
Second Department of Surgery, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
BABA Shozo
Second Department of Surgery, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
Baba S
Hamamatsu Univ. School Of Medicine Sizuoka Jpn
Baba Shozo
Second Department Of Pathology Hamamatsu University School Of Medicine
FURUTA Takahisa
First Department of Medicine, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
First Department of Medicine, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
First Department of Medicine, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
First Department of Medicine, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
Nakamura Satoshi
Second Department Of Surgery Hamamatsu University School Of Medicine
Kaneko E
First Department Of Medicine Hamamatsu University School Of Medicine
Kaneko Eizo
First Department Of Internal Medicine Hamamatsu University School Of Medicine
Futami Hajime
First Department Of Medicine Hamamatsu University School Of Medicine
Hanai H
Fist Department Of Medicine Hamamatsu University School Of Medicine
Furuta T
Division Of Infectious Genetics Department Of Microbiology And Immunology Institute Of Medical Scien
Furuta Takahisa
First Department Of Medicine Hamamatsu University School Of Medicine
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