Efficacy of Anti-anginal Drugs in the Treatment of Angina Pectoris Associated with Silent Myocardial Ischemia: Importance of Quantitative Holter ECG Data for Patient Activity
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Methods We evaluated the clinical efficacy of transdermal nitroglycerin (NTG-TTS), a patch application of a nitrate, in the treatment of 27 patients with angina pectoris who had asymptomatic myocardial ischemic (SMI) attacks, using a double-blind cross-over method. Evaluation was made using Holter ECG and patient activity data. Results In frequency and duration of continuation of SMI episodes, no significant differences were noted between the observation and placebo treatment periods, while the values of both these parameters were decreased significantly in the active drug treatment period compared with those in the observation and placebo treatment periods. Critical heart rate, the heart rate at the initiation of ST-segment depression, was significantly higher during the period of active drug treatment than during the placebo treatment and observation periods. In SMI frequency index, which was determined by adjusting the SMI frequency for the number of steps taken, there were no significant differences between the 3 periods. The SMI time index was significantly lower in the active drug treatment period than in the observation period. Conclusions These results indicated that the clinical evaluation of the efficacy of anti-anginal drugs against SMI should take into consideration individual patient activity data.(Internal Medicine 39: 1027-1037, 2000)
- 社団法人 日本内科学会の論文
- 2000-12-01
佐川 貢一
Inooka Hikaru
Department Of Engineering Graduate School Of Tohoku University
Inooka Hikaru
The Faculty Of Engineering Tohoku University
Ino-Oka Eiji
Department of Internal Medicine Kohjinkai Central Hospital
Ino-oka Eiji
Department Of Internal Medicine Kojinkai Central Clinic
Ino-oka Eiji
The Department Of Internal Medicine Ohizumi Memorial Hospital
Kutsuwa Yoshiharu
Uematsu Pharmacy
SAGAWA Kohichi
the Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku University
the Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku University
KUTSUWA Yoshiharu
the Department of Pharmaceutical Services, Ohizumi Memorial Hospital
UMEDA Showko
the Department of Pharmaceutical Services, Ohizumi Memorial Hospital
Umeda Showko
The Department Of Pharmaceutical Services Ohizumi Memorial Hospital
Takahashi Takayuki
The Faculty Of Engineering Tohoku University
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