Depolarization-Induced Tyrosine Phosphorylation of p130^<cas>
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Japanese Biochemical Societyの論文
- 1998-04-01
奥村 宣明
大阪大学タンパク質研究所 体内環境統合蛋白質研究グループ
OKADA Masato
Division of Protein Metabolism, Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University
Okumura Nobuaki
Divison Of Oral Health In Aging And Fixed Prosthodontics Niigata University Graduate School Of Medic
Okumura Nobuaki
Division Of Protein Metabolism Institute For Protein Research Osaka University
NAGAI Katsuya
Division of Protein Metabolism, Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University
Nagai Katsuya
Division Of Protein Metabolism Institute For Protein Research Osaka University
Division of Protein Metabolism, Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University
Okada Masato
Division Of Protein Metabolism Institute For Protein Research Osaka University
Kobayashi Shin
Division Of Protein Metabolism Institute For Protein Research Osaka University
Okada Masato
Division of Allergy and Rheumatology, St. Luke's International Hospital, Japan
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