Assessment of Radiotherapeutic Effect on Brain Tumors by Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MR Imaging:A Preliminary Report
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1999-05-01
Yamada Hiroki
Department of Radiology, Asahikawa Medical College
河村 泰孝
河村 泰孝
福井大学 医学部放射線科
久保田 紀彦
福井大学 医学部 脳脊髄神経外科
YOSHIDA Masanori
Department of Pharmacology, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka City University
久保田 紀彦
KUBOTA Toshihiko
Department of Neurosurgery, University of Fukui
ISHII Yasushi
Department of Radiology
HAYASHI Nobushige
Departments of Radiology, Fukui Medical University
久保田 紀彦
Hayashi Nobushige
Department Of Radiology Fukui Medical University
Yoshida Masanori
Department Of Chemistry And Chemical Engineering Niigata University
TOMOI Masahiro
Department of Radiology, Fukui Medical University
MAEDA Masyuki
Department of Radiology, Fukui Medical University
Department of Radiology, Fukui Medical University
Maeda Masyuki
Department Of Radiology Fukui Medical University
Tomoi Masahiro
Department Of Radiology Fukui Medical University
河村 泰孝
Yamada Hiroki
Department Of Radiology Asahikawa Medical College
Ishii Yasushi
Department Of Patho-functional Bioanalysis Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyoto Universi
Kubota Toshihiko
Department Of Internal Medicine Kitasato University School Of Medicine
Ishii Yasushi
Department Of Radiology Fukui Medical University
Ishii Yasushi
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
Yamada Hiroki
Department Of Advanced Materials Science Faculty Of Engineering Kagawa University
Yoshida Masanori
Department Of Biotechnology Faculty Of Science And Engineering Ritsumeikan University
吉田 正徳
福井医大 医 放射線医学
Kawamura Yasutaka
Department Of Radiology Fukui Medical University
Hayashi Nobushige
Department Of Radiology Fukui Medical School
Yoshida Masanori
Department Of Radiology Fukui Medical University
Ishii Yasushi
Department of Radiology, Fukui Medical University
KUBOTA Toshihiko
Department of Neurosurgery, Fukui Medical University
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