Cyclic AMP Detection by Electrode Modified with 17mer Oligopeptide
Maeda Mizuo
Department Of Applied Chemistry Graduate School Of Engineering Kyushu University
Kudo Yoshihisa
Laboratory Of Cellular Neurobiology School Of Life Science Tokyo University Of Pharmacy And Life Sci
HIGASHI Hideyoshi
Mitsubishi Kasei Institute of Life Sciences
Katayama Yoshiki
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kyushu University
NAKAYAMA Masamichi
Department of Materials Physics and Chemistry,Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University
Kudo Yoshihisa
Laboratory Of Cellular Neurobiology School Of Life Science Tokyo University Of Pharmacy And Life Sci
Department of Chemical Science and Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University
Higashi Hideyoshi
Mitsubishi Kasei Institute For Life Sciences
Nakayama Masamichi
Department Of Materials Physics And Chemistry Graduate School Of Engineering Kyushu University
Nakayama Masamichi
Department Of Applied Chemistry Graduate School Of Engineering Kyushu University
Ohuchi Yuka
Department Of Chemical Science And Technology Faculty Of Engineering Kyushu University
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