Simultaneous Determination of Elastic Constants and Crystallographic Orientation in Coarse-Grained Nickel by Acoustic Spectro-Microscopy
Aizawa T
Research Center For Advanced Science And Technology The University Of Tokyo
XU Yang
Department of Clinical Innovative Medicine, Kyoto University
Xu Y
National Inst. For Materials Sci. Tokyo Jpn
AIZAWA Tatsuhiko
Department of Metallurgy, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo
Department of Metallurgy, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo
School of Humanity for Environment Policy and Technology,Himeji Institute of Technology
Xu Yang
Department Of Metallurgy Faculty Of Engineering University Of Tokyo
Xu Yang
Department Of Anatomy
Kihara J
School Of Humanity For Environment Policy And Technology Himeji Institute Of Technology
Kihara Junji
Department Of Metallurgy
Aizawa Tatsuhiko
Department Of Materials Science And Engineering University Of Toronto
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