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A new TiB<SUB>2</SUB> particle reinforced ferritic steel with Youngs modulus as high as 300GPa has been produced through a powder metallurgy process. This paper discusses the mechanism for providing high performance of the developed material. The phase equilibrium between TiB<SUB>2</SUB> and Fe-Cr-Ti ferritic phases was determined by the CALPHAD method. Based on its thermodynamic stability, which is responsible for maintaining its own high Youngs modulus of 540GPa and low density of 4.53g/cc in ferritic matrix, TiB<SUB>2</SUB> particles have been proved to be the best reinforcement for improving isotropic specific Youngs modulus of steels. The process designed for the application of the developed material involves power compaction, sintering, and hot forging. Hot working for the material had favorable effects not only on attaining its full densification but also on improving homogeneity of the TiB<SUB>2</SUB> particle dispersion. The Youngs modulus of the material agreed exactly with the theoretical one predicted by the non linear law of mixture and the specific Youngs modulus could be attained to the double as high as that of conventional steel. The tensile and fatigue strength, and wear resistance were also fairly improved with increase of TiB<SUB>2</SUB> particle dispersion.
- 社団法人 粉体粉末冶金協会の論文
- 1998-05-15
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