Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine | 論文
- Series Load Resonant High Frequency Inverter ZCS with a Single Quasi-Resonant ZVS Auxiliary Switch, Vol.J86-B,No.2, pp.279-283
- On Estimation of Roll Damping at Resonance using Parametric Identification Technique and Free Roll
- 1. The Study on a Statistical Optimal Control of Ship's Motion
- Entrainment Behavior on Density Interface of Stratified Fluids
- PMM tests in a circulating water channel and nonlinear analysis
- A Study at Laboratory of Applied Mechanics, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine(Letters from R&D Groups)
- A Multi Objective Liner Scheduling Problem for Short Range Route(The 7^ Academic Symposium between JIN and CIN)
- Investigation of High Frequency Induction Heating Power Supply for Reduction of Particulate Matter
- Observational Study on the Downward Solar Radiation at the Sea Surface in the Western Pacific
- IGTC-34 Film Cooling Behavior in Thin Rectangular Channel : Quick Prediction with k-ε Turulent Model(Session B-3 BLADE COOLING)
- Study on Temperature Effect on X-Ray Diffraction Curves from Single Crystals by a Triple-Crystal Spectrometer
- Study on real-time estimation of the ship motion cross spectra
- I-3 Thermoregulatory behavioral motivation and themophysiological responses during alternately repeated exposures to cold and warm temperature conditions (Proceedings of the 38th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)