Tokyo University Of Marine Science And Technology | 論文
- Measures to Reduce the Occurrence of Maritime Casualties on the Central American Region
- Investigation and Analysis of the Maritime Casualties occurred in the Pacific Side of the Central American Region between 1980 and 2004〔含 Questions and Answers〕
- Multilayer biological structure and mixing in the upper water column of Lake Biwa during summer 2008
- Effect of surfacing patterns on abundance estimates of long-diving animals
- Ray-traced troposphere slant delays for precise point positioning
- Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of the 12,12-Dimethyl Derivative of Aplog-1, an Anti-Proliferative Analog of Tumor-Promoting Aplysiatoxin
- Reliability of stock size estimates from adaptive framework virtual population analysis
- The finite group action and the equivariant determinant of elliptic operators
- Identification of the Psychrophilic Histamine-Producing Marine Bacteria Previously Referred to as the N-group Bacteria
- Microflora of Fermented Puffer Fish Ovaries in Rice-Bran "Fugunoko Nukazuke"
- フグ卵巣ぬか漬け貯蔵中における毒性変化
- 北西太平洋沖合域におけるミンククジラ, イワシクジラ, ニタリクジラの餌選択
- ミンククジラ耳垢栓の年齢査定技術の改善
- 水産海洋学会研究発表大会シンポジウム「鯨類を中心とした北西太平洋の海洋生態系」 : 総合討論
- 第二期北西太平洋鯨類捕獲調査(JARPNII) : 調査目的と現況
- 秋季釧路沖におけるミンククジラの成熟と摂餌生態の関係
- 春季の三陸沖におけるミンククジラの摂餌生態
- FE-P15 Freezing stability of food emulsion(Section IX Food Engineering)
- Dominant Sea-Surface Temperature Anomaly Patterns in Summer over the North Pacific Ocean
- Seasonal and Vertical Distribution of Aurelia aurita Polyps on a Pylon in the Innermost Part of Tokyo Bay