Tokai Univ. Hiratsuka | 論文
- An Active Learning Algorithm Based on Existing Training Data
- A Topology Preserving Neural Network for Nonstationary Distributions
- Acceleration Techniques for the Network Inversion Algorithm
- Kohonen Learning with a Mechanism, the Law of the Jungle, Capable of Dealing with Nonstationary Probability Distribution Functions
- The New Decay Mode in the Electric Dipole Transitions : Inversely Proportional to the Eighth Power of Time
- The Time Evolution of Unstable Particles : General and Mathematical Physics
- General Theory of Resonance Scattering : General and Mathematical Physics
- Radiative Corrections to e^+e^- Reactions in Electroweak Theory
- Radiative Correction to e^+e^-→ γγ in Electroweak Theory : Particles and Fields
- Initial-State Radiative Corrections to the Production of 1^- Topponium in e^+e^- Annihilation in the TRISTAN Energy Region
- A Formal Technique to Analyze Event Concurrent Response
- P and T Violation in Neutron-Nucleus Collisions at Very Low Energies : Nuclear Physics
- The Object-Space Parallel Processing of the Multipass Rendering Method on the (Μπ)^2 with a Distributed-Frame Buffer System
- (Mπ)^2: A Hierarchical Parallel Processing System for the Multipass Rendering Method (Special Issue on Architectures Algorithms and Networks for Massively parallel Computing)
- Finite W-Boson Mass Effect and Background in Neutrino Counting Reaction : Particles and Fields
- QED Two-loop Vertex Correction and the Real Particle Emission Factors