Tohoku Pharmaceutical Univ. Miyagi Jpn | 論文
- Heats of Dissolution of Thiamine Disulfide-Fatty Acids Complexes in Ethanol
- Interaction between Thiaminetetrahydrofurfuryl Disulfide with Fatty Acid in 1,2-Dichloroethane
- Solubilization of Thiamine Disulfide by Fatty Acid or Its Analog in 1,2-Dichloroethane
- Studies on the Constituents of Viburnum Species. XVIII. : Viburnols : Six New Triterpenoids from Viburnum dilatatum THUNB.
- 44. 光ファイバーセンサーを用いた尿中成分の認識
- (44)光ファイバーセンサを用いた尿中成分の認識
- Studies on the Constituents of Gardenia Species. III. New Iridoid Glycosides from the Leaves of Gardenia jasminoides cv. fortuneana HARA
- In Vitro Percutaneous Absorption of Thiamine Disulfide through Rat Skin from a Mixtrure of Propylene Glycol and Fatty Acid or Its Analog
- 1-I-6チアミンジスルフィドの経皮吸収 : 第43回大会研究発表要旨
- Formation of a Cycotiamine Complex with Fatty Acid in Chloroform
- 2-II-37チアミン誘導体と脂肪酸の複合体形成について : 第42回大会一般研究発表
- Formation of a Cycotiamine Complex with Fatty Acid in Dichloroethane
- Screening of Crude Drugs for Influence on Amylase Activity and Postprandial Blood Glucose in Mouse Plasma
- Triterpenes of Callistemon rigidus Showing Inhibitory Activity on Mouse Pancreatic Lipase
- 第八改正日本薬局方による市販製剤の崩壊試験について
- アセチルサリチル酸アルミニウムの薬剤学的研究(第二報)
- アセチルサリチル酸アルミニウムの薬剤学的検討(第 1 報)
- Survey of the Influence of Mongolian Plants on Lipase Activity in Mouse Plasma and Gastrointestinal Tube
- Estimation of Amount of Total Tannins in Rhubarb and Chinese Medicinal Prescriptions Containing Rhubarb Using Mouse Amylase Inhibition Activity