Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory | 論文
- Spin-Density-Wave Phase Transitions in Quasi-One-Dimensional Dimerized Quarter-Filled Organic Conductors
- Antiferromagnetic Phase Transition and Crossover to Fermi Liquid Phase in a Weakly Coupled Half-Filled Chain System
- Vibronic, Optical, and Magnetic Excitations around Solitons in a One-Dimensional Two-Band Peierls-Hubbard Model
- Characterization of Kondo Lattice Substance:CeCu_6
- Point-Contact Spectra of Graphite
- Dingle Temperature of Dilute Aluminum Alloys
- Magnetomorphic Oscillations in Aluminum Single Crystals
- On Reentrant Phenomena in Noise Induced Transitions
- Dynamical Effects in the Region of Heavy and Super-Heavy Nuclei
- Mass Division in Nuclear Fission and Isotope Effect
- Two-Phase Coexistence in the Metallic State of Polyacetylene
- Neutrino Processes in the K^0 Condensed Phase of Color Flavor Locked Quark Matter (Effective theory and color superconfuctivity)
- Thermoelectric Effects in the Point Contact of Ce Intermetallic Compounds
- The Nuclear Matter Problem
- Importance of Baryon-Baryon Coupling in Hypernuclei
- Experiments and Analysis of Point-Contact-Spectra of NdCu_6
- Point Contact Spectroscopy on Kondo Lattice Compound CeCu_6
- Combustion Simulation Using the Lattice Boltzmann Method
- Thermoelectric Power of Kondo Compounds Ce_xLa_Cu_6