The Research Institute for scientific Measurements | 論文
- Microwave Resonance Absorption in Ferromagnetic Semi-Conductor. I : Nickel Ferrite
- The Zeeman Effect in Ammonia Microwave Spectra
- Ferromagnetic Resonance in the Single Crystals of some Ferrites. I
- Ferromagnetic Resonance in Various Ferrites at Low and High Temperatures
- Magnetic Resonance Absorption in Antiferromagnetic Materials
- Preparation of Zinc Sulfide Single Crystals
- On the Measurements of the Galvanomagnetic Effect in Semiconduetors at Microwave Frequencies
- Dielectric Constant and Permeability of Various Ferrites in the Microwave Region
- Paramagnetic Susceptibility of Single Crystals of Some Nickel Salts
- The Effect of the Anisotropy and the Relaxation Phenomena on the Shift of Ferromagnetic Resonance in Polycrystalline Ferrites
- On the Acoustic Folded Horns
- Resonance in α Fe_2O_3
- On the Flow of the Magnetic Flux in a Metal Plate for a Thickness Gage
- On the Emulsification of the Flotation Reagents by Means of Ultrasonic Waves
- Measurement of the Thickness of Metal Plate by Ultrasonic Harmonic Method. II : Electronic Operation and Results of a Field Inspection
- Measurement of Ultrasonic Attenuation in Metals by the Pulse Method
- Measurement of the Thickness of Metal Plate by Ultrasonic Harmonic Method. III : On the Resonance of Lower Harmonic Order
- Measurement of the Thickness of Metal Plate by Ultrasonic Harmonic Method. I : On the Condition of the Thickness Resonance
- Electronmicroscopic Observations of the KCl Single Crystal Irradiated with Ultra-Violet Light
- Electronmicroscopic Observations of the Cleavage Plane of KCl Crystal : the Deformation Zone