School Of Pharmacy Tokyo University Of Pharmacy And Life Science | 論文
- Effects of Benzyl Glucoside and Chlorogenic Acid from Prunus mume on Angiotensin Converting Enzyme, Aldosterone and Corticosterone Levels in Rat Plasma
- Identification of Traditional Chinese Patent Medicines(中成薬)by a Polariscope(1)Polariscopic Characteristics of Starch Grains and Calcium Oxalate Crystals
- Identification of Traditional Chinese Patent Medicines(中成薬)by Polariscope(3)Polariscopic Characteristics of Zhibao Sanbian Wan(至宝三鞭丸)
- Inhibitory Effects of Benzyl Glucoside and Chlorogenic Acid from Prunus mume on Bradykinin and Prostaglandin E_2 Production in the Abdominal Cavities of Mice
- Isolation of Benzyl Glucoside and Chlorogenic Acids from the Fruits of Prunus mume(Natural Medicine Note)
- Production of monoclonal antibodies against antitumor cyclohexapeptide RA-VII from Rubia cordifolia and their characterization
- 簡易型嗅覚検査キットを用いたがん化学療法施行患者における嗅覚異常の実態調査および栄養状態との関連(一般演題(口頭)30,がん薬物療法(外来化学療法)(2),Enjoy Pharmacists' Lifestyles)
- P-1226 「学生-指導薬剤師(薬局・病院)-大学教員」合同WS形式情報交換会にて見えてきた薬局実習の問題点と今後の改善策(一般演題 ポスター発表,薬学教育(実務実習),Enjoy Pharmacists' Lifestyles)
- P-0149 GEM経静脈投与による血管痛に対するNSAIDsおよびオピオイドによる予防効果の調査(一般演題 ポスター発表,がん薬物療法(副作用対策),Enjoy Pharmacists' Lifestyles)
- Pharmacognostical Studies on the Magnolia Bark (4) : Morphological and Histological Studies on the Bark of Magnolia rostrata W. W. SMITH and M. grandiflora L.
- Pharmacognostical Studies on the Magnolia Barks (2) : Morphological and Histological Studies of Crude Drug "Hou po" (Cortex Magnoliae)
- Effect of Vitamin E on Contact Sensitization Responses Induced by 2, 4-Dinitrochlorobenzene in Mice
- Development of New Synthetic Methods and Its Application to Total Synthesis of Nitrogen-Containing Bioactive Natural Products
- Steroidal Glycosides from the Rhizomes of Ruscus hypoglossum
- Chemical constituents of the stems and twigs of Lindera umbellata
- Identification of Traditional Chinese Patent Medicines (中成薬) by Polariscope (3) : Polariscopic Characteristics of Zhibao Sanbian Wan (至宝三鞭丸)
- 「男女差別」から「共同参画」への道のり
- 電気化学検出フローインジェクション分析による呼気中アンモニアの定量
- アビニシオ計算に基づく過酸化水素分析用チタン(IV)-ポルフィリン試薬の特性評価